It’s not even one month into the winter season and there is already a wintry mix on the forecast here in Central Indiana. Depending on where you live in the state, you could be looking at 46% chance of snow showers and accumulations this Saturday. Considering this weather prediction, coupled with the recent freezing rain we experienced this past Saturday, you are probably already thinking about salting your pavements. But before you do, there are some important facts you should review about the effects deicing salts have on asphalt and concrete.
Continue reading to learn what you need to know about salting your pavements, from myths you should ignore to pavement protection tips you should start incorporating right away.

How Deicing Salt Affects Paved Concrete and Asphalt
In general, deicing salts are a useful and effective product. They work well to protect against slip and fall accidents, motor vehicle collisions, and even potential pavement damages caused by the freeze thaw cycles of wintry ice and snow. However, there are some important considerations to take when it comes to the local environment surrounding the area and the type of pavement you are treating.
Here are some of the most important facts you need to know about salting your pavements this winter:
It is Not Likely That Salt Will Deteriorate Asphalt Pavements
This is a myth that has been circulating the paving industry for generations. Many people wrongly believe that deicer salt applications will deteriorate asphalt pavements, but this is only true in cases of poor installation. So long as a professional installed your asphalt pavements, they should be able to withstand any potentially-damaging effects of deicing agents.
This has to do with hot mix asphalt. Skilled professionals in the paving industry know how to apply the proper paving materials under the right circumstances and conditions, and hot mix asphalt is one of them. If your pavements were improperly installed by an unqualified company or contractor, they could be subjected to damages caused by deicing agents and salts.
Deicing Salt Can Damage Concrete
Although deicing agents are not typically damaging to asphalt surfaces paved with hot asphalt mix, concrete is a whole other story. Deicing salts are known to deteriorate concrete, especially if the concrete was poorly mixed and/or installed. The slight acidity of salt can break down the bonds that hold concrete together. Furthermore, salt is generally used more frequently on concrete because it freezes faster than asphalt.
The Environment Can Be Negatively Impacted By Deicing Agents
Many people are unaware that deicing agents and salts can have a negative impact on the local environments surrounding the areas of pavements being treated. Water runoff containing the chemicals inside deicing salts can pollute the grass and soil, therefore affecting local flora, as well as the wildlife that rely on the flora. When using deicing agents on pavements, it is important to follow all manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that you are not posing any threats to the local environment. It helps to remove all snow and ice before sprinkling your deicing salts on your pavements. This way you use less product.
Are you looking for professional commercial paving company that can help you restore the damages done to your asphalt for concrete? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for licensed and insured paving services like winter cold patching and pothole repair services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout such parts of the state.
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