Many people do not think about mold and mildew growing on foundations made from concrete or cement; however, if the conditions are just right, this type of growth can occur. Not only can mold, mildew, and fungus grow within the pores and on the surfaces of concrete foundations, staining is a probable result as well.
Mold and mildew can cause health problems, respiratory complications, and slippery surfaces. This can be dangerous to residents, guests, customers, visitors, and all other persons inhabiting the infected area. These reasons and more are why mold removal for concrete is so vital. Getting rid of mold growth encourages a healthier environment and a more durable foundation.
Continue reading to learn more about mold growth, including how to effectively eliminate it from concrete sidewalks, driveways, and more!

What Causes Mold?
Mold, mildew, and fungus grow in the presence of two principle variables: moisture and a food source. In most cases, these food sources are dirt and dust. Concrete is not capable of fungal growth on its own, but in the perfect conditions of humidity, moisture, and a present food source, mold can quickly grow and thrive for quite some time.
Prolonged weather conditions, water leaks, flooding, and poor insulation can create an environment for concrete mold growth. The combination of moisture and humidity, along with a viable food source, is the perfect formula to house mold and mildew.
Also, concrete is a porous pavement, meaning it has several pores and channels running within it. These pores and microscopic crevices are perfect incubators for fungal growth too. So as mentioned before, given the right conditions, mold can easily grow within and on concrete.
Some conditions are created on a temporary basis, like humid and wet weather mixed with dirt and dust, while others may be an interior issue that requires some extensive renovation or repair.
Cleaning Moldy Concrete
Finding the root of mold growth is the first step in removing it. If the fungus is a result of a larger underlying problem like interior water leaks, then it is vital to correct this issue first, in order to acquire long term mold removal and control. Since concrete is very durable, removing mold is fairly simple and the process is quite easy. Once the mold is removed, it is helpful to keep concrete surfaces that are more susceptible to fungal growth, clean and dust-free.
Here’s how to combat mold and mildew on concrete foundations:
⇒ Purchase an OTC Fungicide or Mold-Killing Detergent
✢ These products can be purchased at any local hardware or home improvement center. You may even find them at your local grocer or superstore. Be sure to choose a higher-end product for optimal results. For a homemade solution, simply mix household bleach and water together, using equal parts.
⇒ Allow the Solution to Set in For Some Time
✢ Apply the solution liberally to the infected areas and allow it to sit for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the extent of fungal growth. The next step involves scrubbing, but should then be followed with a second application, setting, and scrubbing once again.
⇒ Use Elbow-Grease to Scrub the Fungus Away
✢ It really takes a lot of scrubbing and elbow grease to scrub the mold away. This job is great for the man of the house. Once the solution is applied liberally to the infected areas, use abundant force to scrub and rub away the fungal growth and stains. Rinse the area thoroughly, and repeat the last two steps until you achieve desirable results.
When You Need Concrete Replacement
Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial and industrial paving services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed and qualified paving contractors provide several Indianapolis asphalt and concrete paving services, including pavement repair, sealcoating, road work, commercial paving, industrial paving, and more. Request a free estimate, today!