The stunning and bold look of freshly-paved black asphalt pavement is a highly sought-after structural upgrade for both residential and commercial properties. However, this fresh bold color does not last forever; and natural elements like wind, rain, heat, and cold are to blame. Asphalt pavement requires periodic sealcoating to bring back the luster and life to its color. As important as eye appeal is, sealcoating is more than just an aesthetic upgrade. It is one of the most important parts of asphalt maintenance and care.
Continue reading to learn just how important asphalt sealcoating is to your pavement.

Preventing Asphalt Decay
Aside from the aesthetic benefits, asphalt sealcoating does much more. It prevents asphalt decay, which can be caused by natural wear and tear, inclement weather, and time. Asphalt decay can come in many forms, including alligator cracking, crumbling, potholes, dips, and more. A proper sealcoat provides a layer of protection against oil, water, and the elements mentioned above, which allows asphalt pavement to better withstand natural damage for longer.
A proper sealcoat also protects asphalt surfaces from the harmful UV rays of the sun. When these rays penetrate the asphalt foundation, it can cause it to weaken and wear away over time. A layer of sealcoat acts as a shield against these UV rays, and extends the life of pavement for years to come.
Hire Professionals for Sealcoating Service
Asphalt pavement should be sealcoating every few years. Talk to a professional paver for an accurate assessment for your pavement’s recommended sealcoating agenda. The process of asphalt sealcoating is complex, and varies depending on a property’s individual circumstances, including pavement age, condition, grading, drainage, and more. It is important to hire a professional paving company for accurate and efficient pavement sealcoating service, especially for large commercial and industrial complexes.
Indianapolis Asphalt Sealcoating
Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete Inc. at 317-549-1833 for professional asphalt sealcoating service in Indianapolis, Indiana. Owner, Lindsey Lewis, and his team of licensed Indianapolis concrete pavers, are happy to discuss your concerns and inquiries regarding pavement sealcoat services and more. Call 317-549-1833 to request a free estimate, today.