How to Enhance Pavement Properties and Performance

Maintaining pavements is not merely a matter of aesthetics but a critical aspect that can influence the functionality, safety, and financial health of a property. Whether you’re a business owner, property manager, or homeowner, understanding how to enhance pavement properties and performance can save you time, money, and a lot of headaches in the long run. This guide delves into everything you need to know about improving the longevity and performance of your pavements.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Sealing and Maintenance Services in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Sealing and Maintenance Services in Indianapolis Indiana

The Importance of Functional and Efficient Pavements

Imagine walking up to a business with cracked, uneven pavement. The first impression isn’t just poor—it can also be a safety hazard. Well-maintained pavements are vital for businesses and properties as they directly affect curb appeal, usability, and safety.

For commercial properties, high-quality pavements signify professionalism and care, making them more inviting to customers and tenants. For homeowners, good pavement boosts property value and ensures safer driveways and walkways.

Introduction to Pavement Properties

Before enhancing pavement properties, it’s crucial to understand what makes up these materials and their inherent characteristics. Pavements are typically made from asphalt or concrete, each with unique properties that affect their performance.

Asphalt Pavements

  • Flexibility: Asphalt is more flexible than concrete, making it ideal for areas with variable temperatures.
  • Cost-Effective: It’s generally cheaper to install and repair.
  • Quick Installation: Asphalt can be laid relatively quickly, causing minimal disruption.

Concrete Pavements

  • Durability: Concrete is extremely durable, often lasting longer than asphalt.
  • Low Maintenance: It requires less frequent maintenance.
  • Eco-Friendly: Concrete is more environmentally friendly because it can be recycled.

Each material has its strengths and weaknesses, affecting how they perform under different conditions. Factors like traffic load, weather conditions, and maintenance practices significantly impact the longevity and performance of these pavements.

Tips for Enhancing Pavement Performance

Knowing the properties of your pavement is the first step towards making it last. Adopting these practices ensures that your pavements are not only durable but also cost-effective in the long run. Here are some tips and innovative solutions to enhance pavement performance:

Regular Maintenance

  • Sealcoating: Applying a sealant helps protect asphalt pavements from the elements, extending their life span.
  • Crack Sealing: Sealing cracks as soon as they appear prevents water infiltration, which can cause more extensive damage.
  • Regular Cleaning: Removing debris and cleaning spills quickly can prevent staining and surface degradation.
  • Routine Inspections: Regularly inspect your pavements to catch and fix minor issues before they become major problems.

Innovative Solutions and Technologies

  • Geotextiles: These materials can be used under pavements to improve stability and reduce cracking.
  • Permeable Pavements: These allow water to pass through, reducing runoff and improving flood control.
  • Polymer Modifiers: Adding polymers to asphalt can improve its strength and flexibility.
  • Reflective Coatings: Reflective paints can help reduce heat absorption, making pavements cooler and more comfortable to walk on.

The Economic Impact for Property Owners

Well-maintained pavements offer several financial and operational benefits, making them a smart investment for different types of properties.

For Commercial Properties

  • Increased Foot Traffic: Attractive and safe pavements can draw more customers, enhancing business opportunities.
  • Reduced Liability: Proper maintenance can prevent accidents and reduce liability claims.
  • Enhanced Property Value: Quality pavements add value to your property, making it more appealing to potential buyers or tenants.

For Residential Properties

  • Safety: Well-maintained driveways and walkways reduce the risk of trips and falls.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Good pavements improve the overall look of your home, boosting curb appeal.
  • Longevity: Investing in maintenance increases the lifespan of your pavements, offering long-term savings.

In Summary

Enhancing pavement properties and performance is a multi-faceted approach that involves understanding the materials, regular maintenance, and adopting innovative solutions. By investing in high-quality pavement care, you can enjoy numerous benefits, from increased property value to reduced liability risks.

Ready to take the next step? Assess your current pavement conditions and prioritize enhancements that will offer the most significant benefits. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying durable, high-performing pavements that stand the test of time.

For more insights and professional advice on enhancing your pavements, let us help. Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833, today. Your investment in professional commercial pavement maintenance in Indianapolis, Indiana will pay dividends in safety, aesthetics, and overall property value. We serve clients throughout the state, and now offer custom small load ready mix concrete delivery.

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Sealing the Deal: The Importance of Commercial Pavement Sealing

In the realm of commercial properties, first impressions can significantly influence the perception of prospective clients. One feature that often goes unnoticed yet contributes substantially to that initial impression is the quality of the pavement. Whether it’s a parking lot, a walkway, or access roads, well-maintained pavement can accentuate the overall aesthetic appeal of a commercial space. The secret to achieving this lies in a process known as sealcoating or pavement sealing.

Over the course of this blog post, we will delve into the importance of pavement sealing, the role of a commercial paving company in this process, and how sealcoating can be the key to enhancing the longevity and visual appeal of your property’s pavement.

Call 317-549-1833 For Pavement Sealing in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Pavement Sealing in Indianapolis Indiana

What is Pavement Sealing?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of sealcoating, let’s first understand what pavement sealing is. In simple terms, pavement sealing refers to the process of applying a protective coating on top of asphalt or concrete pavement. This coating acts as a barrier against harmful elements such as water, UV rays, and chemicals that can degrade the integrity of the pavement over time. By sealing the pavement, you can prevent premature cracking, fading, and other forms of damage that can affect not only the appearance but also the functionality of your pavement.

The Importance of Pavement Sealing

Now that we know what pavement sealing is let’s delve into why it is essential for commercial properties. First and foremost, pavement sealing can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your property. A well-maintained and smooth pavement can make a significant difference in creating a positive first impression for clients and visitors. It shows that you take pride in your business and are willing to invest in maintaining its appearance.

Secondly, sealcoating can extend the lifespan of your pavement by up to 30%. This is because the protective coating acts as a shield against elements that can lead to cracking, potholes, and other forms of damage. By investing in pavement sealing, you are also saving money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs and replacements.

Moreover, sealcoating can also improve safety on your property. A smooth and well-maintained pavement reduces the risk of accidents and injuries for both pedestrians and vehicles. This can be crucial for businesses that have a high volume of foot traffic or frequent deliveries.

The Role of a Commercial Paving Company

While the process of pavement sealing may seem simple, it is best left to professionals. A commercial paving company has the expertise, equipment, and materials necessary to ensure a thorough and high-quality sealcoating job. They will first assess the condition of your pavement and determine the best type of sealant to use based on factors such as traffic volume, climate, and age of the pavement.

Additionally, a reputable commercial paving company will also ensure that all necessary preparations are done before applying the sealcoat. This includes cleaning and repairing any cracks or potholes on the pavement to ensure a smooth and even surface. They will also apply the sealant using the appropriate techniques to guarantee long-lasting results.


In conclusion, pavement sealing is a crucial step in maintaining the appearance, functionality, and safety of your commercial property’s pavement. From enhancing curb appeal to extending its lifespan, sealcoating offers numerous benefits that make it a worthwhile investment for any business. However, for the best results, it is essential to hire a reputable commercial paving company that can provide expert sealcoating services. With their help, you can seal the deal with your clients and make a lasting impression.  So don’t overlook this important aspect of property maintenance and consider sealcoating as a vital part of your overall pavement management plan.

Are you looking for professional paving services for your commercial asphalt pavements? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial asphalt repair and sealcoating services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout the state.

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The Ultimate Guide to Proper Pavement Maintenance

Proper pavement maintenance is more than just a cosmetic enhancement; it’s an investment in the longevity and safety of your surface, be it asphalt or concrete. In this ultimate guide, we delve into the nitty-gritty of pavement maintenance, dispelling common myths and offering tried-and-true methods for preserving your pavement’s integrity for years to come.

Whether you’re a homeowner looking to maintain your driveway, or a business owner wanting to ensure your commercial lot remains safe and attractive, this guide provides the essential knowledge for optimal pavement care. So, let’s begin our journey into the world of pavement maintenance and explore how you can extend the life and improve the aesthetics of your investment.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Maintenance in Indianapolis
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Maintenance in Indianapolis

Proper Asphalt Maintenance

Asphalt is a popular surface material for driveways, parking lots and pathways due to its low cost and relatively easy installation process. However, proper asphalt maintenance will ensure your investment remains in top condition for many years. Here are a few tips on how to keep your asphalt looking fresh:

Clean regularly with a pressure washer and mild detergent.

Sealcoat the surface every two to three years, depending on traffic intensity.

Repair cracks as soon as they appear, using a cold asphalt patch or hot asphalt depending on severity.

Fill potholes immediately to prevent further damage from occurring.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your pavement remains in optimal condition for years to come.

Recommended Concrete Maintenance

Concrete is a durable, low-maintenance material that is ideal for sidewalks, driveways, and patios. Regular cleaning and sealing will help keep your concrete looking its best and prevent any damage from occurring due to the elements or everyday wear and tear. Below are a few tips for maintaining your concrete pavement:

Clean regularly with a pressure washer and mild detergent.

Seal with a concrete sealant every two to three years, depending on traffic intensity.

Repair cracks as soon as they appear using mortar or epoxy filler.

Fill large voids or potholes immediately to prevent further damage from occurring.

By dedicating regular attention to your concrete pavement, you can ensure it looks great and remains safe for years to come.

These are just a few of the many tips and tricks for maintaining your asphalt or concrete pavements; however, if you’re ever in doubt about how to care for your pavement surface, we recommend seeking out a professional for advice. With the right maintenance, you can be sure your pavement will remain in pristine condition for many years.

Common Pavement Maintenance Myths Dispelled

When it comes to pavement maintenance, there are some myths that have been circulating for years and it’s important to separate fact from fiction so you can make informed decisions about caring for your pavement.

First, sealing your asphalt or concrete pavement does not waterproof the surface; rather it prevents water seeping into cracks and causing further damage to the integrity of the surface. Secondly, waiting for an issue to become more serious does not make repairs any easier nor will it save you money in the long run; in fact, problems that are left untreated can lead to more costly repairs down the line.

Finally, a professional sealant is not necessary for proper pavement maintenance; however, a good quality sealant will last much longer and provide better protection against wear and tear than an inferior one.


Proper pavement maintenance is essential for maintaining the longevity and integrity of your surface. This guide provides you with the essential knowledge to help extend the life of your asphalt or concrete pavement. You’ve learned how to keep your pavement looking its best by regularly cleaning and sealing, as well as dispelling common myths associated with proper maintenance. Now it’s time to put this knowledge into practice and ensure your pavement remains in top condition for years to come!

Take the first step today towards preserving your investment and enjoy peace of mind knowing your commercial pavement is protected from the elements. Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial asphalt repair, concrete repair, and sealcoating services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout the state.

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Essential Pavement Repair Tips for Commercial Property Owners
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The Top Reasons Why Asphalt Sealcoating is So Valuable

Asphalt sealcoating is an important process for protecting and prolonging the life of your asphalt pavements. Asphalt sealants provide a barrier against weather damage, UV rays, and oil and gas spills that can degrade the surface of your parking lot or pavement. Routine seal coating will keep your pavements looking fresh and new, and even prevent costly repairs down the line. For all these reasons and many more, asphalt sealcoating is a wise and valuable investment for your commercial property.

Continue below to learn the top 5 reasons why asphalt sealcoating is so valuable, plus which commercial pavement company to choose for dependable asphalt and concrete work in the city of Indianapolis.

Speak with an Asphalt Sealcoating Contractor Indianapolis by calling 317-549-1833 now!
Speak with an Asphalt Sealcoating Contractor Indianapolis by Calling 317-549-1833 Now!

The Benefits of Asphalt Sealcoating

Asphalt sealcoating is an important process for protecting and prolonging the life of your asphalt pavements. Sealcoating provides a barrier against weather damage, UV rays, and oil and gas spills that can degrade the surface of your driveway. Routine sealcoating will keep your asphalt-paved surfaces looking fresh and new and prevent costly repairs down the line.

Here are the top 5 reasons why asphalt sealcoating is so valuable:

1. Protects against weather damage. Asphalt is susceptible to damage from the sun, rain, and snow. Sealcoating provides a protective layer that helps to prevent this damage and keep your pavements looking new.

2. Prevents UV damage. UV rays can cause fading and cracking in asphalt pavements. Sealcoating helps to block these harmful rays and keep your paved lots and walkways looking fresh and new.

3. Resists oil and gas spills. Spills from cars can seep into the pores of asphalt and cause damage. Sealcoating helps to create a barrier that resists these spills and protects your asphalt pavement.

4. Prolongs the life of your pavement. Asphalt pavements can last for many years with proper care. Sealcoating helps to extend the life of your pavement by protecting it from weather damage and oil and gas spills.

5. Keeps your pavements looking fresh and new. A well-maintained asphalt lot or sidewalk will enhance the curb appeal of your property. Sealcoating helps to keep your pavements looking their best.

Are you looking for a qualified commercial paving company in Indianapolis that can sealcoat your pavements? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 to speak with a seasoned contractor about asphalt sealing in Indianapolis, Indiana, today. We specialize in both asphalt and concrete work for commercial and industrial clients.

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The Importance of Asphalt Sealcoating

The stunning and bold look of freshly-paved black asphalt pavement is a highly sought-after structural upgrade for both residential and commercial properties. However, this fresh bold color does not last forever; and natural elements like wind, rain, heat, and cold are to blame. Asphalt pavement requires periodic sealcoating to bring back the luster and life to its color. As important as eye appeal is, sealcoating is more than just an aesthetic upgrade. It is one of the most important parts of asphalt maintenance and care.

Continue reading to learn just how important asphalt sealcoating is to your pavement.

Commercial Seal Coating 317-549-1833
Commercial Seal Coating 317-549-1833

Preventing Asphalt Decay

Aside from the aesthetic benefits, asphalt sealcoating does much more. It prevents asphalt decay, which can be caused by natural wear and tear, inclement weather, and time. Asphalt decay can come in many forms, including alligator cracking, crumbling, potholes, dips, and more. A proper sealcoat provides a layer of protection against oil, water, and the elements mentioned above, which allows asphalt pavement to better withstand natural damage for longer.

A proper sealcoat also protects asphalt surfaces from the harmful UV rays of the sun. When these rays penetrate the asphalt foundation, it can cause it to weaken and wear away over time. A layer of sealcoat acts as a shield against these UV rays, and extends the life of pavement for years to come.

Hire Professionals for Sealcoating Service

Asphalt pavement should be sealcoating every few years. Talk to a professional paver for an accurate assessment for your pavement’s recommended sealcoating agenda. The process of asphalt sealcoating is complex, and varies depending on a property’s individual circumstances, including pavement age, condition, grading, drainage, and more. It is important to hire a professional paving company for accurate and efficient pavement sealcoating service, especially for large commercial and industrial complexes.

Indianapolis Asphalt Sealcoating

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete Inc. at 317-549-1833 for professional asphalt sealcoating service in Indianapolis, Indiana. Owner, Lindsey Lewis, and his team of licensed Indianapolis concrete pavers, are happy to discuss your concerns and inquiries regarding pavement sealcoat services and more. Call 317-549-1833 to request a free estimate, today.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Sealcoat

Sealcoating is an important part of asphalt installation and maintenance. Just like any asset, asphalt requires some protection and routine care to preserve its value. When it comes to choosing a sealcoat for your asphalt pavement, it is important to recognize a few factors that one should consider before making any final purchases.

Continue reading to review some common factors to consider before choosing a sealcoat for your pavement.

Indianapolis Asphalt Seal Coating 317-549-1833 Indianapolis Asphalt Seal Coating 317-549-1833
Indianapolis Asphalt Seal Coating 317-549-1833

How to Extend the Life of Your Pavement

Sealcoats serve multiple purposes for asphalt pavements, primarily for protective and aesthetic reasons. They provide a protective coating on asphalt pavement, preserving its fresh black luster and preventing imperfections on its surface. It is applied by either brush or spray to seal out moisture and prevent cracking, potholes, and other general pavement damages. They are meant to last anywhere between two and four years, depending on the rate of natural wear and tear. They are best known for the uniform black appearance they give pavement, as well as, the degree of protection against moisture. This protection against moisture is the key to preventing cracking, crumbling, and pot holes.

If you are in the market for sealcoat, be sure to consider these important factors before you decide to buy one:

1. Cohesiveness
2. Adhesiveness
3. Preparation Time
4. Cure Time
5. Ease of Workability/Application
6. Elasticity
7. Weather Resistance
8. Moisture Resistance
9. Resistance to Natural Wear and Tear

It is highly recommended to consult a professional paving contractor for advice about choosing the proper sealcoat for your asphalt project. There are various circumstances that can influence the type of sealcoat you should use, and countless brands to choose from. A licensed paver can not only offer you accurate and reliable advice, they can provide the sealcoating service for you at an affordable cost!

Indianapolis Sealcoating for Commercial Pavements and Roads

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial sealcoating and asphalt maintenance services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed road construction contractors provide a wide range of asphalt and concrete work for commercial and industrial properties, including inspections, installation, replacement, repair, and more. We also offer free estimates and consultations, flexible scheduling, references upon request, and more. Best of all, our work is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so you can rest assure that your investment is sound. Request a free quote, today.

Factors to Consider When Sealcoating in the Fall

Asphalt Concrete Paving 317-549-1833

Asphalt Concrete Paving 317-549-1833

Whether you plan to hire a professional service, or choose to do it yourself, sealcoating pavements is a job best completed in the fall. The weather this time of year, especially in Indiana, is the perfect climate for seal coating purposes. The low humidity and sunny days make the perfect formula for efficient and well-crafted sealcoats.

If you do plan to hire a professional company, it is wise to get a jump start on scheduling your sealcoating services. This is because fall-time is the busiest time of year for pavers. Many companies, mostly the ones that have been in business for quite some time, set cut-off dates because they cannot take on any more projects. Once winter hits, sealcoating is not an option any longer. Proper owners have no choice but to wait for early spring to come, and schedule their much-needed pavement maintenance services then.

If you are planning to seal coat your own pavement, then be sure to brush up on your pavement maintenance knowledge, as well as your inventory. Research the best sealcoats on the market and purchase all the needed supplies. Next, continue reading to learn some factors to consider before starting your fall paving project!

Temperature, Time, and Weather Factors

Indianapolis Seal Coating 317-549-1833

Indianapolis Seal Coating 317-549-1833

When it comes to seal coating on your own, be sure to review some important factors for a successful outcome. Most factors involve either temperature, time, and weather. But there are several others factors involving other focuses too. They are as follows:

Ideal hours for sealcoating projects are generally all day. Start early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises, and you should have plenty of sun and daylight to finish the job.

Ideal temperatures for effective sealcoating should be 50 degrees and rising, which means the temperatures should climb as the day progress. If it’s too cold, sealcoat cannot dry or cure properly.

If you have to seal coat in temperatures at or lower than 50 degrees, be sure the work area will receive at least three hours of sunlight for full drying and curing purposes.

Avoid seal coating in the shade. Without abundant sunlight, sealcoat cannot dry or cure effectively. If you must seal coat in the shade, be sure to apply just before the sunlight hits, so that is gets at least 2 hours of sun. In areas that never get sunlight, you will have better chances of waiting until the spring when the ground is warmer to help with drying and curing.

Avoid sealcoat projects on cloudy days. Just like in the cold and shade, sealcoat cannot dry and cure properly on a chilly sunless day. The only cloudy days you can effectively sealcoat on are higher temperature days when the warmth is enough to dry the material.

If sealcoating at night, be sure the temperatures will not get lower than 65 degrees. This means it may be too late in the season for some states. Then, wait until late morning before walking on the fresh sealcoat so that it can get some morning sun.

ACI Asphalt and Concrete Inc.

Pavement Services Indianapolis Indiana

Pavement Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-549-1833

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete Inc. at 317-549-1833 for seal coating services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Owner, Lindsey Lewis, is happy to discuss your sealcoating needs and inquires. We offer commercial and industrial-level pavement repair, maintenance, installation, sealcoating, winter cold patching, and much more. Call 317-549-1833 for professional asphalt sealcoating in Indianapolis, IN.

Is it Better to Apply a Thicker Layer of Seal Coat?

Since summer is coming to an end shortly, and fall will be here before we know it, pavement maintenance is something to think about now. Before the inclement weather reaches our driveways, sidewalks, and parking lots, we property owners should be getting a head-start to protect our pavements so they can withstand what fall and winter has in store. This is exactly what sealcoating services are for!

Applying a sealcoat to pavement adds an extra layer of protection against harsh elements and natural wear and tear. But applying too much sealcoat can be problematic. Many people assume that a thicker layer of sealcoat is better and more protective, but professionals will refute this assumption quickly.

Continue reading to learn why it is not better to apply a thicker layer of sealcoat on asphalt and concrete pavements.

Indianapolis Asphalt Seal Coating 317-549-1833 Indianapolis Asphalt Seal Coating 317-549-1833
Indianapolis Asphalt Seal Coating 317-549-1833

Seal Coating Basics

Seal coating should be applied by trained and licensed professionals who retain the proper tools and equipment to proficiently and effectively complete the project. Licensed pavers are well-aware that a thicker layer of sealcoat does not equal more protection. Instead, it renders pavement more vulnerable than before.

Here’s why:

☑ Thick Seal Coats Do Not Cure Evenly

☑ Thick Seal Coats are More Prone to Surface Cracks

☑ Thick Seal Coats Take a Long Time to Cure-Increasing Project Schedule and Labor

☑ Thick Seal Coats Cause Degradation and Decrease Lifespan of Sealer

☑ Thick Seal Coats are Prone to Tracking

☑ Thick Seal Coats are Prone to Peeling

Over-Sealed Pavement

When pavement, such as asphalt driveways, have been over-sealed, you can see the signs. For one, it will look extremely flat and smooth, and will not have any visible texture. Asphalt pavement should always retain texture. Too much sealant will only make the condition of pavement worse. In order to fix an over-sealing job, pavers may have to provide an overlay or slurry sealcoat, which is not always desirable. It is best to simply wait a few years until the pavement needs resealed or replaced. Just remember, when it comes to sealcoating, more is definitely not better!

Trusted Indianapolis Commercial Sealcoating Services

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for professional pavement sealcoating services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed road construction contractors provide a wide range of asphalt and concrete work for commercial and industrial properties, including inspections, installation, replacement, repair, and more. We also offer free estimates and consultations, flexible scheduling, references upon request, and more. Best of all, our work is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so you can rest assure that your investment is sound. Request a free quote, today.