Top Engineering Facts About Perpetual Pavements

In the world of road construction, there has been a gaining trend known as perpetual pavements. Continue reading to learn more about this interesting and innovative paving construction concept, including some of the most educational facts regarding the engineering of such pavements.

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Indiana Commercial Paving 317-549-1833

Perpetual Pavement Facts

The term, “perpetual pavement” refers to an inventive, tri-level, flexible road surface design and construction concept for the purpose of providing deep strength within asphalt pavements for improved longevity. Basically, it is a new engineering approach for asphalt pavements to make them stronger and last much longer.

Here are helpful engineering facts that describe the applications, benefits, and mechanics of perpetual pavements:

⇶ Design and Construction

Perpetual pavement is constructed in multiple layers to provide a strong, stable, and deeply durable roadway that can withstand inclement weather and resist tensile strain caused by traffic conditions. Only asphalt can be perpetual pavement.

The bottom layer is flexible in order to resist tensile strain and stop cracks from developing. The middle, or intermediate layer, is the permanent structural section of the pavement. And the final top layer of rut-resistant asphalt mix completes the job and provides a smooth long-lasting paved surface.

⇶ Longevity and Benefits

The installation and maintenance procedures for perpetual pavement is convenient and inexpensive. It will not requires as much time-consuming, traffic-disrupting reconstruction or repair compared to other road construction systems.

Perpetual pavement is just that: perpetual, meaning the asphalt is meant to go on and on. Basically, they are built to last forever. The whole idea behind perpetual pavements was to develop a road construction concept that could eliminate the need for repairs, indefinitely, with only the top layer requiring routine maintenance and renewal.

When a perpetual pavement requires renewal or maintenance, professional paving contractors will use specialized milling machinery to quickly remove the top layer (which is recycled), and then install a new layer in its place to create a new surface.

⇶ Contributions and Awards

The Asphalt Pavement Alliance created the Perpetual Pavement Award program, which awards DOT’s and pavement owners who have built their roadways and lots using perpetual pavement principles. In order to qualify, pavements must be at least 35 years old and has never had any kind of structural failure.

Perpetual pavement helps our planet because it has a low environmental impact. Not only does the application of perpetual pavement conserve our natural resources, it also saves billions of dollars. Furthermore, its materials are 100% reclaimable, recyclable, and reusable.

Indianapolis Asphalt Paving Services

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for professional asphalt resurfacing in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our team of licensed and insured pavers provide a wide range of asphalt and concrete paving services for commercial, industrial, and municipal properties. We serve all of Central Indiana and its surrounding areas. Request a free estimate, today.

Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company
Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company 317-549-1833

What is Perpetual Pavement?

Asphalt is a wonderful and versatile pavement that provides a wide range of benefits, both financial and environmental. The smooth ride, enhanced safety, and appealing luster are just a few of the many admirable attributes of asphalt pavement. But what is perpetual pavement? Is it the same thing? What applications is it used in? For answers to these questions and more, continue reading and eliminate the confusion between perpetual and porous pavement.

Indianapolis Asphalt Seal Coating 317-549-1833
Indianapolis Asphalt Seal Coating 317-549-1833

Perpetual Pavement

Perpetual pavement is simply asphalt! However, it is a type of asphalt that combines all the smoothness and safety of asphalt, but in multiple layers. Perpetual pavement uses an advanced design process that lays asphalt in multiple layers to increase durability, strength, and longevity in roads and highways. This makes it perfect for areas with high traffic volume.

The first (bottom) layer of perpetual asphalt is flexible but strong, and resists pliable pressure caused by heavy traffic and more. This prevents the occurrence of cracks forming at the very bottom of pavement foundations.

The permanent structural portion of laying perpetual pavement is finished in the intermediate layer, following the bottom layer. This intermediate layer provides more strength and durability, as well as, extends lifespan of asphalt.

The last layer of perpetual asphalt is the rut-resistant hot-mix asphalt portion. It produces years of lasting resistance and durability that’s well passed the scheduled date for restoration.

The advantages of perpetual pavement services are well-worth the effort. Since the process is quick and efficient, construction times are reduced and traffic is not blocked or delayed for long periods of time. Also, this type of pavement installation provides exceptionally long-lasting strong pavement that is virtually uninfluenced by harsh weather and heavy traffic volume.

Commercial Asphalt and Concrete Paving Service in Indianapolis

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial or industrial asphalt installation and repair services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed road construction contractors provide a wide range of asphalt and concrete work for commercial and industrial properties, including inspections, installation, replacement, repair, and more. We also offer free estimates and consultations, flexible scheduling, references upon request, and more. Best of all, our work is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so you can rest assure that your investment is sound. Request a free quote, today.