Common Commercial Pavement Emergencies and How to Resolve Them

To call a pavement repair company or not to call; that is the questions many commercial property owners find themselves asking when confronted with pavement damages. Which repairs can wait a while, and which pavement damages are emergencies that require immediate attention?

Continue reading to review some of the most common types of commercial pavement emergencies and how to resolve them all. This way, you will know if you need to book commercial paving service sooner than later.

Commercial Pavement Emergency Repair Indiana 317-549-1833
Commercial Pavement Emergency Repair Indiana 317-549-1833

Commercial Pavement Repairs That Need Attention ASAP

Dangerous Potholes

It is important to understand that not all potholes are considered pavement emergencies. But sometimes, potholes can suddenly appear overnight and present dangerous or hazardous conditions for anyone passing through your premises. Dangerous potholes are those that obstruct common or singular traffic routes, pathways, or stairwells.

Additional types of pothole emergencies would be potholes at the base of curbs or surrounding sewers and catch basins. These potholes can cause serious accidents, but mostly they can trigger ongoing pavement deterioration, thus leading to invasive and costly repairs down the line.

Concrete Heaving

Concrete heaving is a common type of pavement damage that can appear overnight, especially in the springtime after the frozen ground thaws. Such freeze thaw cycles can cause both asphalt and concrete to heave above the surface as much as 2 inches in his little as 24 hours.

Concrete heaving is considered a pavement emergency because a can pose several safety issues for drivers and pedestrians alike. As a proprietor, you can avoid this liability and save yourself a large amount of money by having heaved pavement repaired as soon as possible.

Damaged Catch Basin Curb Inlets

Although more common in the wintertime when snow and ice removal are underway, damaged catch basin curb inlets are another common type of pavement damage. From parking lots to busy streets, catch basin curb inlets are important structures that play a large role in road and driving safety. For this reason, such damages are considered a pavement repair emergency and should be resolves as soon as they happen. Fortunately, they are a quick repair that can often be completed in as little as one day.

Collapsed Catch Basins

In addition to experiencing damage from snow removal trucks and steer skids in the winter, catch basins are also prone to collapsing suddenly. If a catch basin collapses on your commercial premises, it is an emergency. Like catch basin damage, a collapsed catch basin can usually be resolved in one day’s work. This type of pavement damage occurs as a result of water permeation and annual freeze thaw cycles, which can all be abated with routine concrete and asphalt sealing.

How to Prevent Common Pavement Damage

The most effective approach for preventing pavement damage or reducing the rate of natural wear and tear is routine concrete and asphalt maintenance. Talk to a local and trusted Indianapolis IN commercial paving company to learn the best strategies and pavement maintenance program for your property.

Do you have a pavement repair emergency as a Central Indiana business owner or manager? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial concrete and asphalt paving services in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company
Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company 317-549-1833

4 Types of Concrete Water Stops and What They Do

Waterstops are embedded into, and continuously run through, concrete structures or slabs for the purpose of preventing water and other fluids from passing through. There are two main categories for concrete waterstops. The first includes waterstops for concrete joints in which the adjoint concrete sections do not move, while the second category includes waterstops for concrete joints in which the adjoint concrete sections do experience movement.

From there, more types of waterstops exist. Continue reading to learn the top 4 most common concrete waterstops.

Indianapolis Commercial Concrete Contractors
Indianapolis Commercial Concrete Contractors 317-549-1833

Extruded Plastic Waterstops

Extruded plastics and thermosets, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or thermoplastic vulcanized rubber (TPV), are common materials used to manufacture concrete waterstops. Other rubbers used to make waterstops include neoprene, styrene-butadiene, and even natural rubber.

Metal Waterstops

Metal waterstops come in coils as large as 50 m, and usually between 1.0 to 1.5 mm in thickness and 250 to 300 mm in width. Some metal waterstops are coated with polymeric or hydrophilic materials, or both in some cases. Such coatings form a tighter bond with concrete, and therefore, a second barrier against fluids.

Hydrophobic Polymer Waterstops

Hydrophobic polymer waterstops are made from the same kinds of extruded plastics mentioned before, like PVC and TPV. These kinds of waterstops are meant to do two jobs at once: allow direct interlocking into concrete, and prevent movement at the joints. They are generally applied to joints in secondary containment structures to prevent toxic or hazardous fluids from passing through.

Hydrophilic Waterstops

Also known as “water-loving” waterstops, hydrophilic waterstops are rubber strips that are enhanced with hydrophilic agents like bentonite. This modification causes the waterstops to swell when exposed to moisture or fluids. As a result, concrete joints are better sealed against leakage. However, such waterstops are not used in joints that move, such as expansion and contraction joints.

Commercial Concrete Contractors in Indianapolis

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial concrete services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed and qualified paving contractors provide several Indianapolis concrete paving services, including pavement repair, sealcoating, road work, commercial paving, industrial paving, winter cold patching, and more. We are the industry veterans to trust for skilled craftsmanship and competitive prices! Request a free estimate, today.

Facts About Concrete Slab Assembly and Installation

Concrete pads, also known as precast concrete slabs or pavers, are extremely versatile, which is why they are used in so many concrete paving applications. From sidewalks and patios, to stepping stones, walkways, and more, concrete pads are a vital component in the concrete paving industry.

Continue reading to learn how they are made and installed, and who to call for professional concrete service you can trust.

Commercial Concrete Repair
Commercial Concrete Repair 317-549-1833

Assembling Concrete Pads

The primary material used to make concrete pads is actually just traditional cement. The cement mixture used for concrete slabs and pavers generally includes concrete, aggregate, and water. This simple but effective mixture is then poured into a mold and left to dry or “cure” over an extended period of time. The purpose of this method is to allow contractors to easily customize the appearance of the slab.

They can create a wide range of shapes, textures, and sizes, and even add an infinite array of color pigments for an added appeal. The best part about the versatility of concrete is that it can be made to look identical to higher-end materials like cobblestone, brick, shale, marble, tile, and more. You can also choose patterns and colors that are entirely unique to you and your home’s décor.

Installing Concrete Pads

The best route to take for concrete pad installation is hiring professional contractors. A decorative concrete company will have the skills and resources to customize the perfect combination of look, color, style, and texture, all within your budget. And furthermore, they have the experience, tools, and equipment to finish the project effectively and efficiently. Here’s some highlighted steps to expect during concrete slab installation:

➤ Ground Clearance
➤ Slope Excavation
➤ Soil Compaction
➤ Grid Placement
➤ Sand or Aggregate Application
➤ Pavers Placement
➤ Sand Application

Commercial and Industrial Concrete Paving in Indianapolis

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial concrete paving services in Indianapolis and its surrounding areas. Our licensed and qualified paving contractors provide a wide range of concrete and asphalt repair and installation services at the most competitive prices in town. Request a free estimate, today.

Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company
Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company 317-549-1833

What are the Signs of a Slab Leak?

Many homes are built on top of a concrete slab foundation. Beneath these concrete slabs, you will find a system of plumbing pipes that were installed before the home was constructed. A slab leak is simply a leak within this system of plumbing pipes, and whose indications are so subtle, they can go undetected for many months or even years. This is because they are located underneath a home and hidden from public view. In the plumbing industry, very little is known about slab leaks because of this very reason. Once detected, slab leaks are extremely troublesome to deal with and can lead to costly repair bills.

Continue reading to learn your options for repairing slab leaks in commercial pavements.

Parking Lot Repair 317-549-1833
Parking Lot Repair 317-549-1833

Slab Leak Repair

Slab leaks cause a plethora of problems for homeowners and even plumbing contractors as well, creating additional damages to your home or property. Repairs commonly involve tearing up flooring, rebuilding the foundation entirely, and more. If you suspect that you have slab leak within your home’s foundation, it is important to take immediate action before the implications become worse.

Here are the common signs that have been discovered over the years in the plumbing industry, and indicate your home or property may have slab leaks:

• Faint Sound of Running Water
• Increased Utility Bills
• Hot Spots or Cold Spots on the Floor
• Swampy Areas in the Lawn
• Wet or Moist Basement
• Other Wet Spots In or Around the Home
• And More

Slab leaks happen for various reasons. Lines can become kinked during installation, pipe corrosion, incorrectly wrapped pipes, friction, and more are all possible culprits behind slab leaks. When you have a slab leak, there are several options to choose from in order to fix the problem. The first step in discovering these options is to call a professional in the industry that can give you accurate and reliable information about concrete slabs and foundations, as well as, what to do when you have a slab leak.

Indianapolis Pavement Repair Contractors

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial slab leak repair paving services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed and qualified paving contractors provide several Indianapolis asphalt and concrete paving services, including pavement repair, sealcoating, road work, commercial paving, industrial paving, winter cold patching, and more. We are the industry veterans to trust for skilled craftsmanship and competitive prices! Request a free estimate, today.