Cement vs Concrete: What’s Really the Difference?

Most of us have come across the terms “cement” and “concrete” at some point. These materials are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Understanding the difference between cement and concrete is vital for anyone interested in construction or even simple home improvement projects.

Cement and concrete have been the backbone of the construction industry for centuries, playing crucial roles in building everything from bridges to skyscrapers. This blog post will explore these materials in detail, discuss their differences, and explain why knowing these distinctions is essential for anyone involved in construction.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Services in Indianapolis
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Services in Indianapolis

What is Cement?

Cement is a fine, powdery substance made by grinding raw materials like limestone, clay, and shale. The manufacturing process involves heating these elements to high temperatures in a kiln, resulting in clinkers that are then ground up to form cement. There are various types of cement, including Portland cement, which is the most common. Other types include hydraulic cement and rapid-hardening cement. Each type serves different purposes in construction, whether it’s for quick-setting needs or long-lasting durability. Cement primarily acts as a binding agent, meaning its primary function is to hold together other materials like sand and gravel.

Manufacturing Process of Cement

The manufacturing process of cement is complex but fascinating. First, the raw materials are extracted from quarries and then crushed into a fine powder. This powder is mixed and heated in a kiln at temperatures reaching up to 1450°C. The result is a substance called clinker, which is then cooled and ground to produce cement. Additives like gypsum are also added to control the setting time. The entire process is energy-intensive and contributes significantly to CO2 emissions, making it a focus for sustainability efforts.

Types of Cement

There are different types of cement tailored for various applications. Portland cement is the most widely used and is suitable for general construction purposes. Hydraulic cement can set and harden underwater and is ideal for marine constructions. Rapid-hardening cement is used when projects need to be completed quickly. Each of these types has unique properties that make it suitable for specific tasks, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right type for the job at hand.

What is Concrete?

Concrete is a composite material made by mixing cement, water, and aggregates like sand and gravel. The cement acts as a binder, holding the aggregates together to form a solid, stone-like material once it hardens. There are various types of concrete, including reinforced concrete, which has steel bars embedded for added strength, and lightweight concrete, which uses lighter aggregates. Concrete is incredibly versatile and can be molded into various shapes and sizes, making it indispensable in construction.

How Concrete is Made

The process of making concrete is relatively simple but requires precision. First, the cement is mixed with water to form a paste. This paste is then combined with aggregates like sand and gravel. The mixture is thoroughly blended to ensure uniformity. Once mixed, the concrete can be poured into molds and allowed to set and harden. The setting time can vary depending on the type of cement used and environmental conditions. Proper curing is essential to achieve the desired strength and durability.

Types of Concrete

There are several types of concrete, each designed for specific applications. Reinforced concrete incorporates steel bars or mesh to provide additional strength, making it ideal for structural applications like beams and columns. Lightweight concrete uses aggregates like pumice to reduce weight, making it suitable for non-load-bearing structures. High-performance concrete offers superior durability and is used in demanding environments like industrial floors and bridges. Each type of concrete has unique properties that make it suitable for specific tasks, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right type for the job at hand.

Key Differences Between Cement and Concrete

Understanding the differences between cement and concrete is crucial for anyone involved in construction. Cement is a binder, while concrete is a composite material. Cement is used to make concrete by binding the aggregates together. In terms of strength, concrete is much stronger than cement alone, making it suitable for structural applications. When it comes to environmental impact, both materials contribute to CO2 emissions, but cement production is particularly energy-intensive. Knowing these differences can help you make informed decisions in your projects.

Use and Composition

Cement’s primary use is as a binding agent in concrete and mortar. It’s composed mainly of limestone, clay, and shale. On the other hand, concrete is a composite material consisting of cement, water, and aggregates. The composition of concrete can vary based on the type of aggregates and the amount of water used. This variability allows concrete to be tailored for specific applications, making it a more versatile material than cement alone.

Strength and Durability

While cement is strong as a binder, it is not suitable for structural applications on its own. Concrete, however, is incredibly strong and durable, making it ideal for building structures like bridges, buildings, and pavements. The addition of aggregates and the proper curing process significantly enhance the strength of concrete, making it a preferred material in construction.

Environmental Impact

Both cement and concrete have significant environmental impacts, primarily due to their contribution to CO2 emissions. However, cement production is particularly energy-intensive, accounting for approximately 8% of global CO2 emissions. Efforts are being made to develop more sustainable alternatives, such as using recycled materials in concrete and improving the energy efficiency of cement production. Understanding these impacts can help you make more environmentally conscious choices in your projects.

Common Misconceptions

Many people use the terms “cement” and “concrete” interchangeably, but they are not the same. Cement is a component of concrete, not the other way around. Another common misconception is that all types of cement and concrete are the same. In reality, there are various types of both, each suited for different applications. Clarifying these misconceptions can help you make informed decisions in your construction projects.

Importance in Construction

Cement and concrete play crucial roles in construction. Cement acts as the binding agent that holds everything together, while concrete provides the structural integrity needed for buildings and other structures. Without these materials, modern construction as we know it would not be possible. They are the backbone of our infrastructure, from roads and bridges to skyscrapers and homes.

The Role of Cement

Cement’s primary role in construction is to act as a binding agent. It is essential for creating concrete and mortar, which are used in various construction applications. Cement’s ability to set and harden underwater makes it indispensable for marine constructions, while its rapid-hardening properties are beneficial for projects that need to be completed quickly.

The Role of Concrete

Concrete is the most widely used construction material globally. Its versatility and strength make it suitable for a wide range of applications, from structural components like beams and columns to pavements and decorative elements. Concrete’s ability to be molded into various shapes and sizes further enhances its utility, making it an indispensable material in construction.

Environmental Impact of Cement and Concrete

Both cement and concrete have significant environmental impacts, primarily due to their contribution to CO2 emissions. Cement production is particularly energy-intensive, accounting for approximately 8% of global CO2 emissions. Efforts are being made to develop more sustainable alternatives, such as using recycled materials in concrete and improving the energy efficiency of cement production. Understanding these impacts can help you make more environmentally conscious choices in your projects.

Sustainability Efforts

The construction industry is actively seeking ways to reduce the environmental impact of cement and concrete. One approach is to use alternative materials, such as fly ash and slag, which are by-products of other industries. Another strategy is to improve the energy efficiency of cement production by using renewable energy sources. These efforts are essential for creating a more sustainable future.

Eco-Friendly Alternatives

Several Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cement and concrete are emerging. These include geopolymers, which are made from industrial waste materials, and carbon-capturing concrete, which absorbs CO2 as it cures. While these alternatives are still in the early stages of development, they hold promise for reducing the environmental impact of construction.


Understanding the differences between cement and concrete is crucial for anyone involved in construction or home improvement projects. Cement acts as a binding agent, while concrete is a strong, versatile composite material used in various applications. Both materials play vital roles in construction, but they also have significant environmental impacts. By making informed choices and exploring Eco-friendly alternatives, we can work towards a more sustainable future.

Let’s get you started on the right track in terms of quality paving materials for your upcoming building project. Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 and safeguard your investment with our expert commercial concrete repair and paving services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also provide ready mix concrete supply and delivery for both residential and commercial buyers.

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Revolutionize Your Projects with Ready Mix Concrete: Tips and Tricks

In recent years, the use of ready mix concrete has surged in popularity across various projects, from home renovations to large-scale commercial constructions. This versatile material offers numerous advantages over traditional mixing methods, making it a favorite among home improvement gurus, DIY enthusiasts, business owners, and commercial proprietors. In this guide, we will explore the ins and outs of working with ready mix concrete, offering practical tips and tricks to ensure your next project is a resounding success.

Call 317-549-1833 For Small Load Ready Mix Concrete Delivery in Indianapolis and Surrounding Areas
Call 317-549-1833 For Small Load Ready Mix Concrete Delivery in Indianapolis and Surrounding Areas

Understanding Ready Mix Concrete

Ready mix concrete, commonly abbreviated as RMC, is a pre-mixed blend of cement, aggregates, and water tailored to meet specific project requirements. Unlike traditional on-site mixing, where raw materials are manually combined, ready mix concrete is produced in controlled environments and delivered to the site ready for use.

This method boasts several advantages:

  • Consistent Quality: Ready mix concrete is produced under stringent quality control measures, ensuring uniformity in composition and strength.
  • Time-Efficient: Eliminating the need for on-site mixing saves valuable time, allowing projects to progress more swiftly.
  • Reduced Waste: Precise measurements and formulations minimize material wastage, making ready mix concrete an environmentally friendly choice.

Benefits of Using Ready Mix Concrete

The benefits of ready mix concrete extend beyond convenience. Here are some compelling reasons to consider this modern approach for your next project:


Ready mix concrete streamlines the construction process, reducing the time and labor required for mixing. This efficiency translates to quicker project completion, allowing you to meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality.


While the initial cost of ready mix concrete may be slightly higher than traditional methods, the overall savings are significant. Decreased labor costs, minimized material waste, fewer defects, and shorter project durations all contribute to a more cost-effective solution.

Superior Quality

Precision in mixing ensures that each batch of ready mix concrete meets the highest standards of quality. This consistency results in durable, long-lasting structures that can withstand the test of time.

Tips and Tricks for Working with Ready Mix Concrete

Working with ready mix concrete may seem straightforward, but there are several tips and tricks to keep in mind to ensure optimal results:

Proper Mixing Techniques

Although ready mix concrete arrives pre-mixed, it is essential to stir the mixture thoroughly before pouring. Use a concrete mixer or a sturdy mixing tool to achieve a uniform consistency. This step is crucial for preventing any uneven distribution of materials, which could compromise the strength of the final product.

Ideal Weather Conditions

Weather plays a significant role in the curing process of concrete. Aim to pour and set your concrete during mild weather conditions, ideally between 50°F and 75°F. Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can negatively impact the curing process and the final strength of the concrete.

Equipment Maintenance

Maintaining your equipment is vital for consistent results. Regularly clean your concrete mixer to prevent residue build-up, which can affect the quality of future mixes. Additionally, inspect and service your tools and machinery to ensure they are in good working condition, reducing the risk of delays or failures during your project.

Future Trends in Ready Mix Concrete

The ready mix concrete industry is continually evolving, with advancements and innovations paving the way for more efficient and sustainable building practices. Here are some future trends to watch out for:

Green Concrete

Sustainability is becoming a focal point in construction, leading to the development of green concrete. This Eco-friendly variant incorporates recycled materials and reduces carbon footprint, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change.

Self-Healing Concrete

Imagine a world where cracks in concrete structures repair themselves. Self-healing concrete, embedded with special bacteria or polymers, is making this a reality. This innovation promises to extend the lifespan of concrete structures and reduce maintenance costs.

Enhanced Additives

Advancements in chemical additives are enhancing the properties of ready mix concrete. From improving workability to increasing durability, these additives offer new possibilities for customizing concrete to meet specific project needs.


Ready mix concrete is revolutionizing the construction industry, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and quality. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your next project benefits from the superior performance of ready mix concrete.

Ready to take your project to the next level? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 today for reliable concrete ready mix delivery services and expert assistance right here in Indianapolis, Indiana. Only need a little load? We specialize in custom order small load RMC delivery! Let’s build something extraordinary together!

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Sustainability in Commercial Concrete: The Future is Green

Happy World Environment Day!

Today, we’re taking a moment to reflect on how our commercial construction practices impact the environment. One area where we can make significant strides is in the use of sustainable concrete. This blog post will explore the environmental challenges posed by traditional concrete and introduce innovative green technologies that promise a brighter, greener future for commercial construction.

Call 317-549-1833 For Sustainable Commercial Concrete in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Sustainable Commercial Concrete in Indianapolis Indiana

The Challenge Conventional Concrete and its Environmental Impact

Concrete is the backbone of modern infrastructure, but it comes with a hefty environmental price tag. Traditional concrete production is highly energy-intensive, contributing significantly to global carbon emissions. The process of manufacturing cement—the key ingredient in concrete—accounts for about 8% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.

The widespread use of conventional concrete has far-reaching environmental implications. From the depletion of natural resources to the release of harmful pollutants, the traditional approach to concrete production is unsustainable. It’s time to rethink how we build our commercial spaces.

The Solution Green Technologies in Commercial Concrete

Fortunately, the future of commercial concrete is looking greener than ever. Sustainable practices and materials are being developed to reduce the environmental impact of concrete production. Here are some of the most promising innovations:

Recycled Materials

Incorporating recycled materials into concrete mixes is a game-changer. By using industrial by-products like fly ash and slag, we can reduce the demand for virgin raw materials and lower the overall carbon footprint of concrete. Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) are also gaining popularity, providing a valuable use for demolished concrete structures.

Low-Carbon Cements

New types of low-carbon cements are being developed to replace traditional Portland cement. These alternatives, such as geopolymers and magnesium-based cements, produce significantly fewer carbon emissions during manufacturing. The result is a more sustainable concrete that maintains the same strength and durability as its conventional counterpart.

Concrete Alternatives

Innovative concrete alternatives are emerging, offering even greener options for commercial construction. Hempcrete, made from hemp fibers and lime, is a lightweight, insulating material that absorbs CO2 over its lifetime. Similarly, timbercrete combines sawdust and concrete to create an Eco-friendly building material with excellent thermal properties.

Green Concrete Practices in Honor of World Environment Day

On this World Environment Day, let’s celebrate the progress we’ve made in green concrete practices and commit to doing even better. Here are some actionable steps businesses can take to adopt sustainable concrete practices:

  • Choose Recycled Aggregates: Opt for recycled concrete aggregates in your projects to reduce the demand for natural resources.
  • Specify Low-Carbon Cements: Work with suppliers who offer low-carbon cement options to minimize your project’s carbon footprint.
  • Explore Alternative Materials: Consider using innovative concrete alternatives like hempcrete or timbercrete for your next project.
  • Educate Your Team: Ensure your construction team is aware of sustainable practices and the importance of green building materials.
  • Collaborate with Green Suppliers: Partner with suppliers and contractors who prioritize sustainability in their operations.

The Future Outlook Innovations and Trends in Sustainable Concrete

The future of sustainable concrete is bright, with numerous innovations and trends on the horizon. Here’s what we can expect:

Emerging Trends

  • Self-Healing Concrete: Researchers are developing concrete that can repair its own cracks, extending its lifespan and reducing the need for repairs.
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Integrating CCS technology into concrete production can help capture and store CO2 emissions, further reducing the environmental impact.
  • 3D Printing: 3D printing technology is revolutionizing the construction industry, enabling the creation of complex structures with minimal waste.

Potential Challenges

While the advancements in green concrete are promising, there are challenges to overcome. High initial costs, lack of awareness, and regulatory hurdles can slow the adoption of sustainable practices. However, with continued research, education, and collaboration, we can overcome these obstacles and drive the green concrete movement forward.

Driving the Green Concrete Movement

The transition to sustainable concrete requires collective effort. Here are some steps you can take to be part of the solution:

  • Advocate for Green Building Practices: Encourage your industry peers to adopt sustainable concrete practices.
  • Invest in Research and Development: Support initiatives that focus on developing and promoting Eco-friendly construction materials.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest trends and innovations in sustainable concrete to stay ahead of the curve.

Final Thoughts

Sustainable concrete is not just a trend; it’s a necessity for the future of commercial construction. By adopting green technologies and practices, we can significantly reduce the environmental impact of our buildings and create a more sustainable world.

Let’s make a commitment on this World Environment Day to prioritize Eco-friendly construction materials and drive the green concrete movement forward. Together, we can build a greener future, one sustainable structure at a time.

Ready to make a change? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 to learn how our sustainable concrete services in Indianapolis, Indiana can benefit your next project. Let’s pave the way for a more environmentally conscious construction industry.

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The Role of Commercial Concrete in Modern Architecture

Concrete is the unsung hero of modern architecture, a material that shapes skylines and supports the structures in which we live, work, and play. In the commercial sector, concrete plays a pivotal role in the creation of monumental buildings, expansive shopping centers, and the vast infrastructure that keeps our cities moving.

The following post is dedicated to exploring the integral role that commercial concrete plays in modern architectural practices. We will highlight the benefits of choosing concrete, unveil its spectrum of applications, analyze the innovative developments within the concrete industry, and address the challenges and considerations that come with relying on this essential material.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Paving and Supply in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Paving and Supply in Indianapolis Indiana

Benefits of Commercial Concrete

Engineered for performance, commercial concrete provides an array of advantages that are particularly well-suited for large-scale construction projects. From towering skyscrapers to sprawling corporate campuses, concrete continues to be a material of choice for a myriad of strategic reasons.

Durability and Longevity

One of concrete’s defining features is its unparalleled durability. Unlike many traditional building materials, concrete can withstand the test of time and weather, making it a long-lasting investment for commercial properties. Its inherent strength makes it resistant to erosion and decay, ensuring that structures retain their integrity for generations.

Design Flexibility

Beyond its strength, concrete is incredibly versatile in terms of design. It can be cast into a myriad of shapes and sizes, making it a perfect canvas for the modern architect’s imagination. This adaptability allows for the creation of complex forms that might be impossible with other materials, further underscoring the material’s appeal to visionary designers.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

Concrete is not typically associated with sustainability, yet modern advancements in the industry are changing that perception. With sustainable sourcing practices, reduced carbon footprints, and energy-efficient features, commercial concrete is emerging as an environmental choice for projects. Additionally, its thermal mass properties can contribute to buildings’ energy performance, helping to reduce the overall carbon impact.

Applications of Commercial Concrete

Concrete is the backbone of many commercial structures, ranging from the simple to the complex, and the utilitarian to the innovative.

Skyscrapers and High-Rise Buildings

When ambition takes to the skies, it’s often commercial concrete that provides the necessary stability. The impressive height and the need for vertical support systems make concrete an indispensable material in high-rise construction. Its mass dampens movements from wind and earthquakes, ensuring both the structural integrity and the comfort of occupants.

Commercial Complexes and Retail Spaces

For sprawling commercial complexes, concrete is key to creating a conducive and flexible environment. With large, open floor plans, concrete can deliver the stability necessary for the movement of people and merchandise. Its soundproofing qualities also play a role in creating a tranquil environment for shoppers and workers alike.

Infrastructure and Public Projects

Imagine a modern city without concrete bridges, tunnels, or roadways. Impossible. Concrete is the foundation of urban infrastructure, ensuring the safe, effective flow of traffic, and providing the structures that connect us. Its adaptability also shines in public spaces and landmarks, crafting the physical embodiments of culture and civic life.

Innovations in Commercial Concrete

Forward-thinking companies and researchers are continually pushing the boundaries of what concrete can achieve, resulting in exciting new developments.

Self-Healing Concrete

Scientists are exploring the possibility of integrating concrete with mineral-repair agents. When tiny cracks form, these agents are activated, filling in the fissures, and restoring the concrete’s integrity. This innovation has the potential to significantly extend the lifespan of concrete structures.

3D Printing Technology

The advent of 3D concrete printing offers a new dimension in architectural design and efficiency. Large, complex forms can now be “printed” on the construction site, reducing the need for extensive on-site labor and accelerating the building process.

Smart Concrete Solutions

Embedded with sensors, smart concrete can provide real-time data on structural health, monitoring for changes that could indicate issues before they become critical. This proactive approach to maintenance can help anticipate and prevent damage, ensuring that the buildings remain safe and operational.

Ready Mix Concrete

The convenience and consistency of ready-mix concrete are changing the way commercial construction projects are approached. Precisely engineered off-site, ready mix concrete vastly improves material quality and project timelines, ensuring a smoother construction process from start to finish.

Challenges and Considerations

While the advantages of commercial concrete are substantial, it is important to consider the potential challenges and impacts associated with its use in construction.

Cost Implications

The initial cost of concrete can sometimes be a deterrent compared to other materials, particularly for budget-conscious projects. However, it is important to note that the long-term benefits, including lower maintenance and higher energy efficiency, can offset the upfront expense over the life of the building.

Maintenance Requirements

While concrete is incredibly durable, it is not maintenance-free. Regular upkeep is required to address natural wear and tear. Planning and budgeting for maintenance needs are crucial to ensuring the continued performance of concrete structures.

Environmental Concerns

Concrete production has an environmental cost, primarily in the form of CO2 emissions. Industry leaders are actively seeking ways to reduce these impacts through various measures, including the use of alternative and recycled materials, and integrating carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies into the production process.


Concrete is an essential building block in creating the landscapes of our modern world. Its role in shaping the architectural wonders we admire and rely on every day cannot be overstated. As the industry continues to advance, potential challenges are met with innovative solutions, ensuring that concrete remains a material of choice for architects and builders.

To harness the full potential of commercial concrete for your next project, it is crucial to collaborate with experienced suppliers and specialists. By choosing the right partners and products, you can leverage the many benefits that this material offers and play your part in advancing the sustainable future of construction.

When the blueprint for your next commercial endeavor calls for strength, design freedom, and sustainability, remember that commercial concrete isn’t just a material — it’s a foundation for innovation and progress in modern architecture.

Ready to lay the groundwork for your next project? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for licensed, bonded, and insured commercial concrete paving and delivery services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout the state.

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5 Essential Tips for Proper Parking Lot Drainage

Properly maintained parking lots are essential for a safe, comfortable experience for drivers and pedestrians alike. One of the most important aspects of parking lot maintenance is proper drainage to ensure that water runoff does not become an issue. Having the right kind of drainage in place can help prevent flooding, ice buildup, and other hazards that could put people at risk or cause damage to vehicles. Continue reading to learn five tips for ensuring your parking lot has effective drainage.

Call 317-549-1833 For Parking Lot Repair in Indianapolis
Call 317-549-1833 For Parking Lot Repair in Indianapolis

Understanding the Impact of Water on Unprotected Parking Lots

Rain and irrigation water can have a significant impact on unprotected parking lots. Without proper maintenance and drainage, rainfall can lead to severe pavement damage. The excess water can infiltrate and weaken the surface material, causing cracks, potholes, and even sinkholes. This damage can not only be costly to repair but also poses a safety hazard to drivers and pedestrians. It is essential to prioritize the maintenance of parking lots to ensure proper drainage is in place, preventing the negative effects of rainwater. By implementing preventative measures such as sealcoating and regular inspections, we can avoid the detrimental effects of rainwater on our parking lots.

5 Ways to Achieve Optimal Parking Lot Drainage

1. Install the Right Drainage System: A parking lot drainage system should be designed for the particular size and shape of your lot, taking into consideration water runoff patterns and other factors. It’s important to make sure you have the right system in place in order to ensure that it is effective.

2. Regularly Check Gutters and Drains: When it comes to parking lot maintenance, gutters and drains are often overlooked but can cause major problems if they become blocked or clogged. Make sure that these areas are regularly inspected so any potential issues can be addressed quickly before they become a bigger problem.

3. Grade Your Lot Properly: Grading your lot correctly is essential for proper drainage as it helps direct the water runoff away from cars and pedestrians. Make sure that you have a professional contractor look at your lot to ensure it is graded properly.

4. Inspect Your Lot During Rainy Weather: When it rains, it’s important to inspect your parking lot for any issues with drainage or flooding. If you notice any problems, make sure you address them quickly by calling in a professional to take a look.

5. Install Drainage Basins or Pits: In order to help divert water runoff, consider installing drainage basins and pits around the perimeter of your parking lot. This can help keep water down and away from people using the lot, as well as helping prevent damage to vehicles due to excess moisture.

By taking the time to ensure your parking lot has proper drainage, you can help keep everyone using it safe and comfortable. From installing the right system to regularly checking gutters and drains, these five tips are essential for proper parking lot drainage. With the right plan in place, you can rest assured that your parking lot is well-maintained and ready to handle whatever Mother Nature throws its way.

How to Select the Best Drainage System for Your Parking Lot

Selecting the best drainage system for your parking lot can be a challenging task, but it is a crucial one. As rainwater accumulates on your parking lot pavement, it can cause a range of issues such as potholes, cracks, and even structural damage. As such, you need to invest in a reliable parking lot drainage system that efficiently manages the runoff water. There are various drainage systems to choose from, including trench, catch basin, and pipe systems. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your parking lot’s specific needs. Consult an expert to help you pick the best drainage system that not only addresses your parking lot’s drainage needs but also fits your budget. With a well-installed parking lot drainage system, you can better maintain your property and protect it against any costly damage.

Ready to get your business’s lot back in tip-top shape? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for parking lot repair and sealcoating in Indianapolis, Indiana, today. We specialize in both asphalt and concrete work for commercial and industrial clients.

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3 Benefits of Recycled Asphalt

If you are a real estate developer or business owner, you likely have property. With this property comes to need for paving, a need you will be given dull discretion over. When deciding on the type of paving material to go with, you may be wise to consider recycled asphalt. Continue reading to learn the top 3 benefits of choosing recycled asphalt, as well as where to get professional commercial paving work in Central Indiana.

Recycled Asphalt Paving Indianapolis Indiana 317-549-1833
Recycled Asphalt Paving Indianapolis Indiana 317-549-1833

Recycled Asphalt and Asphalt Millings

There are many advantages of using recycled asphalt for your commercial paving project, but the benefits that take the lead include cost-savings, environmental wellness, and durability. When speaking with your commercial paving contractor about your upcoming pavement plans, ask them about material options before settling with new mix asphalt. Recycled asphalt just might be the best choice for your paving applications and business needs!

Cost Efficiency

Anything recycled will cost less than the same material mined from new ore. The same pecuniary principle applies to asphalt materials. Recycled asphalt is cheaper per square foot compared to brand new hot mix asphalt. But do not mistake this cost cut as an indication of reduced quality or performance. Recycled asphalt retains equal strength, durability, and overall quality as unrecycled asphalt material. Property owners often put these extra cost savings toward other expense needs, such as bollard posts, line striping, parking lot signs, and more.


Because recycled asphalt is well, recycled, it supports environmental wellness. This makes it a terrific Eco-friendly pavement options for business owners and real estate developers. It is strongly supported by global studies that the application of recycled asphalt helps to reduce global greenhouse emissions, which are generated as a result of industrial operations.  Furthermore, refurbishing and reusing asphalt materials positively impacts the national landfill crisis.


As mentioned, recycled asphalt materials retain the same strength and durability as non-recycled asphalt material. This durability and long-lasting performance of recycled asphalt makes it a valuable alternative to using new asphalt material. You can expect recycled asphalt pavements to last up to 50 years with good care and routine maintenance. Asphalt longevity and durability will also keep money in your pockets because it reduces the need for repairs and overhauls.

Whether you are looking to install a parking lot system for your new commercial building or preparing to pave an entire subdivision you’ve recently developed, your top priority should be finding a qualified and reputable commercial paving company in Indiana.

Are you interested in learning your top choices for long-lasting commercial asphalt? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial asphalt paving and repair in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve commercial and industrial clients.

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Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company
Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company 317-549-1833

Commercial Permeable Pavement Information for Business Owners

When it comes to planning a commercial pavement project, one of the most critical aspects is the pavement option. It is vital to choose the proper pavement material and applicable solutions in order to render optimal results that stand the test of time. By choosing the most compatible paving option for your commercial lot saves you time and money, but it also protects your investment for years to come. Because these objectives are important to a business owner, many proprietors continue to choose permeable pavement.

Continue below to learn the top considerations facts about permeable pavement, and decide for yourself which option is best for your commercial lot.

Why Permeable Asphalt Pavement is a Top Choice for Commercial Lots

Permeable Pavement Basics

Not sure what permeable pavement is? Perhaps you’ve heard of it by its other names, including porous pavement, pervious pavement, pervious asphalt, porous asphalt, or the obvious, permeable asphalt. As you can gather by now, the term permeable refers to pavements that are penetrable through surface pores. So, what penetrates pavements like these?  The answer is water, but also, you can forget about dirt, debris, organic matter, chemicals, oil, and anything else that comes in contact with the ground. Anything microscopic can see through the pores of permeable pavement.

Permeable Asphalt Advantages

Many people assume that asphalt is the same as permeable asphalt, however, they are a little different. Really, the only difference between the two is that permeable asphalt does not have the fine aggregate content that is found in traditional asphalt or bitumen. As mentioned, several business owners and commercial proprietors continue to choose permeable pavements for their commercial lots because it is a standup selection for lasting performance and durability.

The primary reason that permeable asphalt is so popular within the commercial paving and road construction industry has to do with water run off medication. You see, permeable pavements have pores, which allow water to seep through. This reduces standing water and flooding, and helps control natural water runoff and drainage. Standing water is not good for any type of asphalt, so proper drainage plans are vital to any paving project.

Having proper water drainage is important because standing water and flooding can damage parking lots and commercial lots. This increases your maintenance costs, and can even lead to massive overhauls and restoration projects that are extremely expensive and time-consuming. Furthermore, standing water in the winter can turn to ice, which can lead to accident lawsuits and all sorts of liabilities in terms of being a hazard to both pedestrians and drivers.

Because permeable asphalt allows water to seep through its pores, it actually works as a sort of filter. Surface contaminants like dirt, oil, grease, and organic matter are filtered through the permeable pavement and sent down to the underground water table. Overall, business owners save more money now and in the long run by choosing permeable pavements for their premises.

Commercial Asphalt Paving Contractors in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete Inc. at 317-549-1833 for commercial asphalt paving services in Indianapolis and its surrounding areas. Our licensed and qualified paving contractors provide a wide range of asphalt and concrete pavement repair and installation services at the most competitive prices in town, including crack filling, overlays, resurfacing, and sealcoating. Request a free estimate, today!

Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company
https://www.aciindiana.com/contact-us.phpIndianapolis Pavement Repair Company 317-549-1833

A Comparison of Concrete and Rubber Wheel Stops for Parking Lots

Wheel stops are a common and vital safety feature in parking lots. They are intended to inhibit a vehicle from passing beyond the parking space allotted to them when pulling into the spot. This in turn prevents the parking car from damaging the vehicle parked in in front of them. Also known as curb stops, tire stoppers, and parking blocks, wheel stops are made from a variety of materials, such as plastic, rubber, metal, and concrete. However, rubber and concrete are by far the most common, as they are environmentally-friendly and economically priced. So, these two materials will be your primary options to choose from when considering wheel stops for your commercial complex.

But which material is better? Concrete or rubber? Is there an advantage to choosing one over the other? What’s the real difference between concrete and rubber wheel stops? As a commercial proprietor looking to renovate or enhance your parking lot performance and safety, you might want to consider these very same questions.

Indianapolis Parking Lot Pavement Services
Indianapolis Parking Lot Pavement Services 317-549-1833

Concrete Wheel Stoppers

Concrete tends to take the cake when it comes to leading choice for wheel stops among consumers. Concrete is heavier than rubber, so wheel stops tend to secure strongly in place once installed. Furthermore, concrete parking blocks are made from organic material, and will last a very long time. They can also be installed inside or outside, regardless of climate or region. These are the primary advantages of concrete wheel stoppers.

There are some disadvantages of choosing concrete wheel stops too. For instance, concrete is a porous material, which means it will be subjected to the damages caused by winter and spring freeze-thaw cycles. Water freezing, expanding, and then thawing in the pores of concrete will lead to cracking and loss of stability. When concrete stoppers are installed indoors, such as in parking garages, they withstand the effects of freeze-thaw conditions much better.

Rubber Wheel Stops

In contrast to concrete wheel stops, which are made from organic material, rubber wheel stoppers are made from synthetic rubber, which can render several benefits and downfalls. As for benefits, they are useful indoors or outdoors, and cause less damage to a vehicle in the case that the driver pulls up too far and comes into contact with the rubber stopper.

Furthermore, rubber parking blocks are lighter, easy to install, and highly-resistant to chemical spills, UV rays, oil, moisture, and even inclement weather. However, they are not entirely resistant to the sun. Rubber is a malleable material, which can be subjected to softening, melting, and warping under the hot sun. So in regions of the country that experience high heat for extended periods of time, such as the Southwest, they may not be the best fit.

Parking Lot Repair 317-549-1833
A Standard Rubber Wheel Stop

Parking Lot Repair and Renovation Services in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for paving, repair, and maintenance of parking lots in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed commercial paving contractors provide a wide range of asphalt and concrete services for commercial and industrial properties, including inspections, installation, replacement, repair, and more. We also offer free estimates and consultations, flexible scheduling, references upon request, and more. Best of all, our work is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so you can rest assure that your investment is sound. Request a free quote, today.

Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company
Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company 317-549-1833

What is Pervious Pavement?

When in the market for some paving work, you will likely come across the term, pervious pavement. Also known as porous concrete or permeable concrete, pervious pavements are a high porosity material, making it an important application for certain types of properties and climates. Continue reading to learn what pervious pavement is, and how it compared to other types of paving materials.

Indianapolis Commercial Concrete 317-549-1833
Indianapolis Commercial Concrete 317-549-1833

Pervious, Permeable, and Porous

Pervious is a term that means “permeable”, or “admitting of passage or entrance.” When applied to the paving industry, the term pervious refers to concrete pavements that allow water to run through them, which imitates the natural rainwater runoff process. This may sound like a feature that you wouldn’t want for your paved surfaces, however, there are various surprising benefits porous concrete pavements come with. Not only does this process reduce water runoff, solve drainage issues on paved surfaces, and return rainwater to underground aqueducts, it catches suspended solids and contaminants. This prevents excess groundwater pollution.

What’s Inside Permeable Concrete

Pervious pavement is rough, uneven, and bulky in appearance. This is due to the specific amounts of water and aggregate used to attain high air content with just enough “cementitious” paste to coat particles and interconnect voids. Although high-porosity pavement can be comprised of various materials, the most common include cement, coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and water. Fine aggregates are used sparingly, but usually sand or clay is used. 

Pervious Pavement Uses

Common applications for pervious concrete include pavement surfacing, parking lots, sidewalks, retaining walls, residential driveways, patios, low-water bridges, well linings, swimming pool decks, and low-volume pavements. Additional applications for high porosity pavement include residential roadways, load bearing walls, low-water bridges, fountains, infill panels, and outdoor showers.

Fun Facts About the History of Permeable Concrete:

✎ First introduced in Europe in the 1800’s for structural building.

✎ After WWII concrete was scarce, making permeable material popular again.

✎ Pervious paving was first proposed in the U.S. back in the 1960s with the goal of decreasing floods, raising water tables, and replenishing aquifers.

✎ In the 70’s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began cost and efficiency testing of permeable pavement.

✎ Edmund Thelen and L. Fielding Howe developed the first official documented design for permeable pavement in 1977, entitled “Porous Pavement.”

Indianapolis Commercial Concrete Pavement Installation and Repair

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for licensed, bonded, and insured commercial concrete services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer a wide range of paving services for commercial and industrial properties, at the most competitive prices in town, including inspections, installation, replacement, repair, and more. Request a free quote, today.

4 Types of Concrete Water Stops and What They Do

Waterstops are embedded into, and continuously run through, concrete structures or slabs for the purpose of preventing water and other fluids from passing through. There are two main categories for concrete waterstops. The first includes waterstops for concrete joints in which the adjoint concrete sections do not move, while the second category includes waterstops for concrete joints in which the adjoint concrete sections do experience movement.

From there, more types of waterstops exist. Continue reading to learn the top 4 most common concrete waterstops.

Indianapolis Commercial Concrete Contractors
Indianapolis Commercial Concrete Contractors 317-549-1833

Extruded Plastic Waterstops

Extruded plastics and thermosets, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or thermoplastic vulcanized rubber (TPV), are common materials used to manufacture concrete waterstops. Other rubbers used to make waterstops include neoprene, styrene-butadiene, and even natural rubber.

Metal Waterstops

Metal waterstops come in coils as large as 50 m, and usually between 1.0 to 1.5 mm in thickness and 250 to 300 mm in width. Some metal waterstops are coated with polymeric or hydrophilic materials, or both in some cases. Such coatings form a tighter bond with concrete, and therefore, a second barrier against fluids.

Hydrophobic Polymer Waterstops

Hydrophobic polymer waterstops are made from the same kinds of extruded plastics mentioned before, like PVC and TPV. These kinds of waterstops are meant to do two jobs at once: allow direct interlocking into concrete, and prevent movement at the joints. They are generally applied to joints in secondary containment structures to prevent toxic or hazardous fluids from passing through.

Hydrophilic Waterstops

Also known as “water-loving” waterstops, hydrophilic waterstops are rubber strips that are enhanced with hydrophilic agents like bentonite. This modification causes the waterstops to swell when exposed to moisture or fluids. As a result, concrete joints are better sealed against leakage. However, such waterstops are not used in joints that move, such as expansion and contraction joints.

Commercial Concrete Contractors in Indianapolis

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial concrete services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed and qualified paving contractors provide several Indianapolis concrete paving services, including pavement repair, sealcoating, road work, commercial paving, industrial paving, winter cold patching, and more. We are the industry veterans to trust for skilled craftsmanship and competitive prices! Request a free estimate, today.