Commercial Concrete Repair: Preserving and Protecting Your Investment

Concrete is the lifeblood of commercial buildings, providing a solid foundation and structural integrity. As a building or facility owner, you understand the critical importance of maintaining your property, not only for its continued operation but also for the safety and comfort of those who use it. The long-term effects of deteriorating concrete can be costly, which is why regular inspections and repairs are essential for commercial real estate. In this comprehensive guide, we dive into the common issues faced, the benefits of proactive repair, and how to select the best repair company for your needs.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Repair Near Indianapolis
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Repair Near Indianapolis

Common Types of Concrete Damage

Over time, concrete surfaces endure significant wear and tear, leading to a range of structural issues. Here, we explore the most common problems that demand attention:

Cracks and Fractures: Cracking can arise from thermal expansion, subgrade settlement, or overloading. While small cracks may seem like merely cosmetic issues, they can escalate to severe structural damage.

Spalling and Scaling: Exposure to freeze-thaw cycles and chemical deicers can cause the surface layer of concrete to flake away, leading to spalling and scaling.

Settling and Sinking: Poor soil conditions or improper compaction can lead to settling or sinking of concrete slabs, creating uneven surfaces and potential tripping hazards.

Benefits of Commercial Concrete Repair

Repairing concrete isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about preemptively guarding your investment against future issues. Here are some of the top benefits of good concrete care:

Enhanced Safety and Reduced Liability: Neglecting damaged concrete can be a major safety hazard. Proactive repair mitigates risk and protects you from liability concerns.

Improved Aesthetics and Curb Appeal: First impressions count, and the exterior of your commercial property sets the tone for potential clients or renters.

Extended Lifespan of the Structure: Routine maintenance prolongs the lifespan of your concrete constructions, ensuring they continue to support your business operations for years to come.

Types of Commercial Concrete Repair

There are several proven methods available to effectively address diverse concrete damages. These methods include patching, resurfacing, and crack repair. Patching involves filling in small holes and superficial cracks, while resurfacing is a more extensive process that involves applying a new layer of concrete to restore the surface. In cases of larger cracks or structural damage, crack repair techniques such as epoxy injection or carbon fiber reinforcement can be employed to strengthen and restore the integrity of the concrete. By utilizing these various methods, concrete damages can be addressed comprehensively, ensuring the longevity and durability of the structure.

Crack Repair and Sealing: Specialized sealants and resins can mend cracks, forestalling water ingress and further deterioration.

Concrete Resurfacing and Overlays: This approach involves applying a new layer over existing concrete to revitalize its appearance and function.

Slab Lifting and Leveling: Techniques like slab jacking or mud jacking can correct sinking or settling slabs without the need for complete replacement.

Choosing the Right Concrete Repair Company

Ensuring professional and durable concrete repair depends on whom you entrust with the job. Consider these factors:

Experience and Expertise: Look for companies with a proven track record in commercial concrete repair, indicating their capability to handle a range of issues.

Quality of Materials and Techniques: High-quality materials and modern repair techniques are vital for effective and long-lasting repairs.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Previous customer experiences can provide insight into a company’s reliability and quality of service.

Final Thoughts

Ignoring the integrity of your commercial concrete can have dire financial and safety consequences. Maintaining a proactive repair and maintenance plan is a smart business practice that preserves the value and appearance of your property. If you’re noticing signs of wear or damage, the time to act is now. Consult with a reputable commercial concrete repair company to analyze your needs and get ahead of potential problems.

Has your property’s concrete seen better days? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for licensed, bonded, and insured commercial concrete repair and crack filling services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also specialize in winter cold patching and pothole repair.

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Cracks in Commercial Pavements: Causes, Implications and Prevention Strategies

Cracks in commercial pavements are more than just an eyesore. They signify underlying issues that can escalate into major problems, impacting the safety and functionality of the pavement. From small hairline fractures to gaping crevices, pavement cracks are a universal challenge in infrastructure management. But what causes this kind of damage, and what are their implications?

More importantly, how can we prevent them from ensuring our pavements are safe, durable, and aesthetically pleasing? This blog post delves into the anatomy of pavement cracks, exploring their causes, implications, and effective prevention strategies in the context of commercial pavements. Join us as we navigate the expansive world of crack filling and pavement maintenance.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Crack Repair in Indianapolis
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Crack Repair in Indianapolis

Causes of Cracks in Commercial Pavements

The primary cause of pavement cracks is aging or deterioration due to natural wear and tear. The longer pavements are in service, the more likely they are to develop issues such as alligator cracking, fatigue cracking, transverse cracking, longitudinal cracking, and edge cracking. Other contributing factors include shallow foundations, inadequate drainage systems, and the use of poor-quality materials.

Climate is another major factor that can aggravate existing pavement cracks. The freeze-thaw cycle causes water to accumulate in the pores of asphalt concrete, leading to further deterioration due to moisture damage. Furthermore, temperature fluctuations lead to a process called “thermal shock” which increases the risk of cracks developing on your pavement.

Implications of Pavement Cracks

Cracks in commercial pavements can have serious implications for the safety and functionality of your infrastructure. They can create a trip hazard, leading to potential lawsuits if someone falls on your property. Additionally, cracks can lead to more frequent potholes due to water seeping into the sub-base layer and eroding the surface. This can reduce the durability of your pavement, leading to increased maintenance costs and frequent repairs. Cracks can also create a breeding ground for weeds and moss, which can further damage the pavement over time. Finally, cracks pose an aesthetic concern as they detract from the overall appearance of your premises.

How Paving Companies Repair Cracks in Commercial Pavements

The best way to prevent cracks in your commercial pavement is to partner with a paving company for regular maintenance. They can inspect the surface of your pavement and identify any potential issues, such as signs of alligator cracking or fatigue cracking. The best way to repair these damages is by using a hot mix asphalt patching technique, which your paving contractor can provide. Hot mix asphalt patching involves heating the asphalt and mixing it with a binding agent to form a cohesive patch that bonds seamlessly with your pavement. This technique is long-lasting and durable, helping to protect your pavement from further damage due to cracks.

In addition to hot mix asphalt patching, some paving companies also offer crack filling services. Crack filling is done by sealing the cracks in your pavement with a flexible material that prevents water from seeping through and causing further damage. It is important to note, however, that crack filling only works on small cracks and potholes. If the crack is too large, your paving contractor may advise an alternative solution such as overlaying the area with fresh asphalt or concrete.

Prevention Strategies for Pavement Cracks

The most effective way to prevent pavement cracks is to maintain your pavement on a regular basis. The first step in the process is to conduct a thorough inspection of your pavements, looking for signs of distress or deterioration. If any issues are identified, they should be addressed immediately to prevent further damage. Additionally, you should ensure that the underlying base layer of your pavement is properly drained and compact to prevent water from accumulating. Finally, you should invest in quality materials for construction to reduce the risk of issues developing over time.

Wrapping Up

All in all, cracks in commercial pavements can have serious implications for infrastructure safety and durability. To ensure your pavement remains safe and aesthetically pleasing, it’s essential to conduct frequent inspections and preventive maintenance. Investing in quality materials and regularly consulting with a paving contractor can help reduce the risk of cracks developing in your pavement. With careful planning and regular maintenance, you can keep your pavements safe and damage-free for years to come.

Would you like to get your pavement cracks repaired to help increase your lot’s value? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for professional road construction and paving services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer asphalt and concrete work, including sealcoating services and pothole repair.

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The Difference Between Crack Sealing and Crack Filling

All asphalt pavements will eventually require some sort of restoration, repair, or maintenance. This includes crack repair. But there is more than one way to treat cracks in asphalt pavement, and many people confuse them for one another. Cracks in asphalt pavement can either be sealed or filled, depending on several variables. Many people confuse the two terms as being the same task, when in fact, they are two separate methods to crack repair. It is important to understand their differences to accurately match the most effective and durable crack treatment.

Continue reading to learn the difference between crack filling and sealing, and when to use one over the other.

Indianapolis Concrete Repair 317-549-1833
Indianapolis Concrete Repair 317-549-1833

Working Cracks

In order to understand the methods behind crack sealing and filling, you need to know what the term, “working cracks” refers to. A working crack is a crack that is either vertical or horizontal, and is exhibiting movements greater than 2.5 millimeters. Examples of working cracks include transverse cracks, and in some cases, longitudinal cracks. The method of crack repair that should be used largely depends on the movement criteria of a crack.

Crack Filling

Non-working cracks, crack movements less than 2.5 millimeters, are better repaired using the crack filling method. During this process, specially-manufactured non-rubberized materials are placed within non-working cracks. Examples of such material includes crumb rubber, asphalt emulsion, AC-3, and more. This not only reinforces the pavement, it also drastically reduces water infiltration which can cause cracks to expand. Generally, longitudinal cracks are the most common types of non-working cracks, but in some cases, diagonal cracks and block cracks fit into the
non-working category as well.

Crack Sealing

Crack sealing is a method of crack repair for working cracks, like transverse cracks. In this process, special material is applied on top of, or above, working cracks, not inside. It is applied in a unique configuration to give the pavement less permeability, stopping water infiltration, salt, and other debris. Just like crack fillers, crack sealants are also rubberized products. These bend, stretch, and flex along with the surrounding pavement’s movement, preventing further cracking.

So in short, if you have cracks that are not really moving or expanding, then crack filling is the right treatment for your pavement. But if your cracks are in motion, then you will need to think about crack sealing services instead.

ACI Asphalt and Concrete Inc.

Call ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for professional crack filling and repair services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed road construction contractors provide a wide range of asphalt and concrete work for commercial and industrial properties, including inspections, installation, replacement, repair, and more. We also offer free estimates and consultations, flexible scheduling, references upon request, and more. Best of all, our work is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so you can rest assure that your investment is sound. Request a free quote, today.