How to Choose the Right Commercial Paving Contractor for Your Concrete Work

In the world of commercial real estate, the details matter – and perhaps none more so than the choice of a paving contractor. Whether it’s a parking lot, sidewalk, or a grand exterior plaza, the durability and aesthetic appeal of concrete work carry significant weight in the overall value and perception of your property. This extensive guide is crafted to help property managers, owners, and real estate developers navigate through the complexities of hiring a commercial pavement contractor.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Work in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Work in Indianapolis Indiana

Qualities of a Professional Commercial Paving Contractor

Not all paving contractors are created equal, especially when it comes to the unique demands of commercial projects. What separates the professionals from the rest?

Experience in Commercial Projects

The first criterion to consider is the contractor’s experience specifically in commercial real estate. Look for a professional who has a proven track record in managing and executing projects on a larger scale. This expertise should involve not only the physical labor but also an understanding of the regulatory and compliance aspects that are more stringent for commercial properties.

Licensing, Insurance, and Compliance

A reputable commercial pavement contractor should have all necessary licenses and insurance coverage. Compliance is vital as it protects you from any liabilities that could arise during the course of the project. Make sure the contractor is up-to-date with all relevant state and local regulations.

Portfolio of Past Projects

Reviewing past projects is an excellent way to gauge a contractor’s capability. Pay close attention to the variety and quality of work. A comprehensive portfolio showcasing successful installations on properties similar to yours is an indicator of a professional who is experienced in meeting diverse commercial needs.

Steps to Research and Shortlist Pavement Companies

The success of your project hinges on the quality of your commercial pavement company. Therefore, a thorough selection process is vital.

Get Recommendations and Read Reviews

Word of mouth can be a powerful tool. Ask other property owners in your network for recommendations. Online reviews are also a valuable source of information. Look for consistent positive feedback about a contractor’s performance in commercial settings.

Verify Credentials and Check for Complaints

It’s essential to verify all the credentials a professional company/contractor claims to have. Cross-check licenses and certifications with the issuing authorities. Additionally, it’s worth checking with consumer protection agencies and the Better Business Bureau for any complaints lodged against the contractor.

Request an Initial Consultation and Quote

Once you’ve narrowed down your list, reach out to potential contractors for an initial consultation. This is your chance to briefly discuss your project’s scope and expectations. After the meeting, request a detailed quote that covers materials, labor, and any additional services.

Questions to Ask Potential Paving Pros

Engage with potential contractors with a set of critical questions to better understand their approach and capabilities.

Project Planning and Timeline

A reliable commercial paving company should be able to provide a clear plan for your project. Inquire about their approach to project management and the timeline from start to finish. Delays can be costly in terms of both time and money, so ensure their estimated completion date aligns with your needs.

Materials and Techniques

The materials used in your project should be of high quality and catered to the specific needs of your property. Discuss the service provider’s preferred materials and the reasoning behind their choices. Probing their knowledge about various concrete types and their suitability for your project is a wise step.

Warranties and Post-Project Support

Ask about the warranties offered on the concrete work. A contractor confident in their service should be willing to stand by their work. Inquire about post-project support and the process for addressing any issues that may arise after the completion of the project.

Making the Final Decision and Signing the Contract

Finalizing the decision on your commercial concrete pavement service provider is a critical step that should not be rushed.

Evaluate Proposals and Compare Services

Carefully evaluate the proposals received. Look beyond the cost and compare the scope of work, the materials used, and the services offered. A comprehensive proposal that addresses various elements of the project is a positive sign.

Negotiate Terms and Ensure Clarity in the Contract

Don’t be afraid to negotiate terms, especially when it comes to the rate and payment schedule. Ensure the contract is thorough and clearly outlines all expectations, deliverables, and terms of service. Clarity in the contract can save you from potential conflicts down the road.

Communication is Key

Choose a contractor with whom you can communicate effectively and who seems genuinely interested in your project’s success. A contractor that is open to your input and updates you regularly on progress is more likely to deliver a satisfactory project.

In Summary

Choosing a commercial paving contractor for your concrete work is a decision that requires diligence and thoroughness. The impact of a well-constructed and visually appealing concrete structure can significantly enhance your property’s image and value. By following the steps outlined in this post—vetting for experience, licenses, and a robust portfolio; seeking recommendations and reading reviews; asking the right questions; and ensuring clarity in the process—you can make a choice you will be confident in.

Prioritizing the selection of the right pavement company is not just about the current project but about establishing a reliable partnership that can serve you well in the long term. Excellence in concrete work is not a one-time benefit; it’s an asset that endures and continues to yield returns for years to come.

If you’re looking for a commercial pavement and road construction company you can trust, look no further than ACI Asphalt & Concrete. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial concrete paving services in Indianapolis, or to schedule a free consultation.

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The In-Depth Guide to Tackling Spalling Concrete

Cracks and chips in your concrete might seem like mere cosmetic blemishes—but spalling, a common issue with concrete, can lead to far worse problems if left unattended. Whether you’re a homeowner, a property manager, or a business owner, understanding what spalling in concrete is, how it occurs, and what you can do about it is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll tackle everything you need to know about spalling concrete to keep your property sturdy, safe, and looking its best.

Call 317-549-1833 For Professional Spalled Concrete Repair in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Professional Spalled Concrete Repair in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding the Menace of Spalling Concrete

Defining the Problem

Spalling refers to the flaking or breaking up of material in a structure. When it comes to concrete, spalling is the result of moisture and freezing temperatures that cause the concrete to expand and contract, creating stress and leading to surface damage.

Spalling isn’t just an aesthetic issue; it’s a warning sign that the structural integrity of the concrete may be compromised. When left unaddressed, this can lead to more extensive and costly problems down the line.

Early Detection Saves the Wallet

Spalling, often mistaken for surface cracks, can be detected by observing concrete surfaces for pieces that may have broken off. These can be small fragments near the edges or large sections that have detached entirely.

Knowing how to identify flaking and crumbling in concrete is crucial as the earlier you detect it, the less costly the repair process will be. Early intervention can also prevent accidents caused by loose concrete falling on people or property.

Spotting Spalling Concrete Before It’s Too Late

Signs of Spalling on Outdoor Concrete

When examining concrete outdoors, look for areas where the surface has become coarse and rough. This can indicate that the top layer of the concrete is starting to break apart. If left unattended, these spots can grow in size, becoming potential tripping hazards.

The Usual Suspects of Spalling

Certain areas are more susceptible to flaking due to increased exposure to moisture and other environmental factors. Common areas to check include:

  • Sidewalks and Driveways: Where pedestrian, cyclist, and vehicular traffic can stress the surface over time.
  • Pool Decks: The combined exposure to water and chemical treatments can greatly weaken concrete surfaces.
  • Expansive Concrete Surfaces: Large slabs tend to crack and spall more easily due to lack of structural support.

The Severe Implications of Spalling Concrete

Risks and Hazards

Spalling concrete presents significant safety hazards. Loose or deteriorating surfaces can cause slips, trips, and falls, which can be especially dangerous for the elderly or young children. It’s not just a liability issue but a moral and legal responsibility to maintain safe premises.

Weakening the Foundation

Spalling is more than just a safety risk; it also signals issues within the structure itself. The appearance of spalling is often an indication of deeper problems, such as:

  • Corrosion of Reinforcement Bars: When water seeps through, it corrodes the steel support inside the concrete, compromising its strength.
  • Thermal Cracking: Fluctuations in temperature can cause cracking, which combined with spalling, can reduce the load-bearing capacity of the concrete.

How to Prevent Spalling Concrete

Concrete Installation Best Practices

Preventing concrete deterioration and flaking starts with the initial installation of your concrete. Here’s what you can do:

  • Proper Curing: Allow the concrete to cure for the appropriate length of time, which helps prevent moisture from impacting the surface.
  • Use of Air Entrainment: This additive increases the durability of concrete, making it more resistant to freeze-thaw cycles.

Ongoing Maintenance to Keep It Out

To maintain your concrete’s integrity, consider these regular upkeep tasks:

  • Sealing Cracks: Fill any cracks to prevent water infiltration, which can lead to spalling.
  • Remove Existing Sealants: Prior to resealing, ensure that all previous sealants are removed to avoid sealing in moisture and contributing to spalling.

Spalling Concrete Repair Methods

DIY Solutions for Small Spots

If the spalling is minor, a DIY fix might be the solution. Here’s how to approach small repairs:

  • Clean the Area: Remove any loose debris and clean the area thoroughly.
  • Apply Repair Mix: Use a quality concrete patching compound to fill in the damaged section and smooth the surface.

When to Call the Pros

For larger or more severe cases of spalling, it’s best to involve professional help. They have the skills and equipment to handle:

  • Structural Assessments: Professionals can diagnose the underlying problems and offer solutions to prevent further damage.
  • High-Quality Repairs: With access to industrial-quality materials, they can perform more robust repairs that extend the life of your concrete.


Spalling concrete may start as an incipient break in your surface—but it can lead to big problems. Addressing it early not only saves money but ensures the longevity of your property’s infrastructure. Your property’s concrete forms the backbone of your infrastructure. Don’t wait until spalling causes significant damage or, worse, an accident—it’s time to take proactive steps in maintaining and repairing your concrete.

By understanding the causes and signs of spalling, engaging in preventative maintenance, and knowing when to seek professional help, you’re investing in the future safety and stability of your concrete structures. Don’t let spalling catch you off guard—tackle it with the knowledge and foresight this guide has equipped you with. Your property, and anyone who walks upon it, will be grateful you did.

Don’t let concrete problems degrade the value and safety of your property. Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 and uphold your investment with our expert commercial concrete repair and paving services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also provide ready mix concrete supply and delivery for both residential and commercial buyers.

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Solving Concrete Problems: A Guide for Property Owners

The foundation of any structure stands about as literally as anything can for the rest of the building. When it comes to property, concrete problems aren’t just cracks and blemishes—they’re deep-rooted issues that can spread, deteriorate and, if left unchecked, significantly impact both the value and safety of your property.

Whether you’re a homeowner, business-owner, or facility manager, understanding the intricacies of concrete problems and the steps to address them is a vital part of property stewardship. Unsure where to begin when faced with concrete concerns? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

Call 317-549-1833 For Concrete Repair Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Concrete Repair Service in Indianapolis Indiana

Common Concrete Issues

Concrete, despite its strength and durability, is not exempt from the ravages of time and the elements. Common concrete issues like cracks, which can range from hairline fissures to gaping maws, often signal underlying problems. Understanding and addressing these common concrete concerns early can prevent minor issues from escalating into costly repairs.

Cracks – Cracks in concrete can range from small, negligible hairlines to large, gaping voids, often appearing due to a variety of reasons such as shrinkage, settlement, or freeze-thaw cycles.

Spalling – Spalling is the flaking or chipping of the concrete surface, a visible indicator that the integrity of concrete is compromised, often by water intrusion or corrosion of the reinforcing steel.

Settlement and Heaving – These terms refer to the sinking or upward movement of concrete slabs, typically caused by soil erosion, poor compaction, or freeze-thaw cycles.

Discoloration – Whether from aging, chemical exposure, or improper curing, discolored concrete not only looks unpleasant but can hint at more severe issues such as contamination or improper mix ingredients.

Mold and Stains – While not structural issues, mold growth and stubborn stains can cause a range of environmental and aesthetic concerns.

Impact on Property Value and Safety

Concrete problems are more than just unsightly—they can be indicative of and can pose serious risks to property value and safety. In terms of property value, aesthetic and structural soundness are significant factors in determining property value. A devalued property can have considerable financial repercussions. As for the concern for safety, cracked or sunken concrete can be a tripping hazard for occupants and visitors, and in an operational facility, this can lead to legal liabilities and safety risks.

DIY Versus Professional Service

The decision between handling concrete problems yourself or hiring a professional is not a simple one. Here are the most talked-about pros and cons:

Do It Yourself – DIY can be cost-effective for small repairs, and it’s satisfying for some property owners. However, the risks of do-it-yourself concrete repair include not addressing underlying issues or making the problem worse with improper techniques.

Professional Paving – Experienced professionals have the tools and knowledge to address a wide range of concrete problems effectively and efficiently. Their work is often backed by licensed and bonding and can ensure problems do not return.

Preventive Maintenance Tips

Perhaps the most effective approach to addressing concrete issues is to proactively prevent them. Implementing preventive measures can significantly contribute to the longevity and durability of concrete structures. Here are some key strategies for proactive concrete care:

Regular Inspections – Frequent checks can help spot and address problems before they worsen.

Proper Drainage – Ensure your property has effective drainage to minimize water-related issues.

Vegetation Control – The roots of plants can cause concrete upheaval—keep on top of your vegetation control plan.

Prompt Repairs – Don’t wait. Address concrete issues as soon as you notice them.

Sealing and Maintenance – Properly sealing concrete can protect it from the elements and staining.

Final Thoughts

Concrete problems on your property are a call to action. Whether you’re dealing with a small crack or a major upheaval, understanding the issues, their implications, and the approach to solving them could not only save you money but can ensure the continued safety and usability of your property.

The longevity and aesthetics of a property are not just about initial construction but about the ongoing vigilance and maintenance of those systems and materials that keep us safe and secure. Next time you see that hairline crack, don’t shy away from addressing it. Your property—and those who spend time within it—will thank you for the care and attention.

Don’t let concrete problems degrade the value and safety of your Indianapolis property. Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 and safeguard your investment with our expert commercial concrete repair and paving services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also provide ready mix concrete supply and delivery for both residential and commercial buyers.

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The Role of Commercial Concrete in Modern Architecture

Concrete is the unsung hero of modern architecture, a material that shapes skylines and supports the structures in which we live, work, and play. In the commercial sector, concrete plays a pivotal role in the creation of monumental buildings, expansive shopping centers, and the vast infrastructure that keeps our cities moving.

The following post is dedicated to exploring the integral role that commercial concrete plays in modern architectural practices. We will highlight the benefits of choosing concrete, unveil its spectrum of applications, analyze the innovative developments within the concrete industry, and address the challenges and considerations that come with relying on this essential material.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Paving and Supply in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Paving and Supply in Indianapolis Indiana

Benefits of Commercial Concrete

Engineered for performance, commercial concrete provides an array of advantages that are particularly well-suited for large-scale construction projects. From towering skyscrapers to sprawling corporate campuses, concrete continues to be a material of choice for a myriad of strategic reasons.

Durability and Longevity

One of concrete’s defining features is its unparalleled durability. Unlike many traditional building materials, concrete can withstand the test of time and weather, making it a long-lasting investment for commercial properties. Its inherent strength makes it resistant to erosion and decay, ensuring that structures retain their integrity for generations.

Design Flexibility

Beyond its strength, concrete is incredibly versatile in terms of design. It can be cast into a myriad of shapes and sizes, making it a perfect canvas for the modern architect’s imagination. This adaptability allows for the creation of complex forms that might be impossible with other materials, further underscoring the material’s appeal to visionary designers.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

Concrete is not typically associated with sustainability, yet modern advancements in the industry are changing that perception. With sustainable sourcing practices, reduced carbon footprints, and energy-efficient features, commercial concrete is emerging as an environmental choice for projects. Additionally, its thermal mass properties can contribute to buildings’ energy performance, helping to reduce the overall carbon impact.

Applications of Commercial Concrete

Concrete is the backbone of many commercial structures, ranging from the simple to the complex, and the utilitarian to the innovative.

Skyscrapers and High-Rise Buildings

When ambition takes to the skies, it’s often commercial concrete that provides the necessary stability. The impressive height and the need for vertical support systems make concrete an indispensable material in high-rise construction. Its mass dampens movements from wind and earthquakes, ensuring both the structural integrity and the comfort of occupants.

Commercial Complexes and Retail Spaces

For sprawling commercial complexes, concrete is key to creating a conducive and flexible environment. With large, open floor plans, concrete can deliver the stability necessary for the movement of people and merchandise. Its soundproofing qualities also play a role in creating a tranquil environment for shoppers and workers alike.

Infrastructure and Public Projects

Imagine a modern city without concrete bridges, tunnels, or roadways. Impossible. Concrete is the foundation of urban infrastructure, ensuring the safe, effective flow of traffic, and providing the structures that connect us. Its adaptability also shines in public spaces and landmarks, crafting the physical embodiments of culture and civic life.

Innovations in Commercial Concrete

Forward-thinking companies and researchers are continually pushing the boundaries of what concrete can achieve, resulting in exciting new developments.

Self-Healing Concrete

Scientists are exploring the possibility of integrating concrete with mineral-repair agents. When tiny cracks form, these agents are activated, filling in the fissures, and restoring the concrete’s integrity. This innovation has the potential to significantly extend the lifespan of concrete structures.

3D Printing Technology

The advent of 3D concrete printing offers a new dimension in architectural design and efficiency. Large, complex forms can now be “printed” on the construction site, reducing the need for extensive on-site labor and accelerating the building process.

Smart Concrete Solutions

Embedded with sensors, smart concrete can provide real-time data on structural health, monitoring for changes that could indicate issues before they become critical. This proactive approach to maintenance can help anticipate and prevent damage, ensuring that the buildings remain safe and operational.

Ready Mix Concrete

The convenience and consistency of ready-mix concrete are changing the way commercial construction projects are approached. Precisely engineered off-site, ready mix concrete vastly improves material quality and project timelines, ensuring a smoother construction process from start to finish.

Challenges and Considerations

While the advantages of commercial concrete are substantial, it is important to consider the potential challenges and impacts associated with its use in construction.

Cost Implications

The initial cost of concrete can sometimes be a deterrent compared to other materials, particularly for budget-conscious projects. However, it is important to note that the long-term benefits, including lower maintenance and higher energy efficiency, can offset the upfront expense over the life of the building.

Maintenance Requirements

While concrete is incredibly durable, it is not maintenance-free. Regular upkeep is required to address natural wear and tear. Planning and budgeting for maintenance needs are crucial to ensuring the continued performance of concrete structures.

Environmental Concerns

Concrete production has an environmental cost, primarily in the form of CO2 emissions. Industry leaders are actively seeking ways to reduce these impacts through various measures, including the use of alternative and recycled materials, and integrating carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies into the production process.


Concrete is an essential building block in creating the landscapes of our modern world. Its role in shaping the architectural wonders we admire and rely on every day cannot be overstated. As the industry continues to advance, potential challenges are met with innovative solutions, ensuring that concrete remains a material of choice for architects and builders.

To harness the full potential of commercial concrete for your next project, it is crucial to collaborate with experienced suppliers and specialists. By choosing the right partners and products, you can leverage the many benefits that this material offers and play your part in advancing the sustainable future of construction.

When the blueprint for your next commercial endeavor calls for strength, design freedom, and sustainability, remember that commercial concrete isn’t just a material — it’s a foundation for innovation and progress in modern architecture.

Ready to lay the groundwork for your next project? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for licensed, bonded, and insured commercial concrete paving and delivery services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout the state.

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Commercial Concrete Repair: Preserving and Protecting Your Investment

Concrete is the lifeblood of commercial buildings, providing a solid foundation and structural integrity. As a building or facility owner, you understand the critical importance of maintaining your property, not only for its continued operation but also for the safety and comfort of those who use it. The long-term effects of deteriorating concrete can be costly, which is why regular inspections and repairs are essential for commercial real estate. In this comprehensive guide, we dive into the common issues faced, the benefits of proactive repair, and how to select the best repair company for your needs.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Repair Near Indianapolis
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Repair Near Indianapolis

Common Types of Concrete Damage

Over time, concrete surfaces endure significant wear and tear, leading to a range of structural issues. Here, we explore the most common problems that demand attention:

Cracks and Fractures: Cracking can arise from thermal expansion, subgrade settlement, or overloading. While small cracks may seem like merely cosmetic issues, they can escalate to severe structural damage.

Spalling and Scaling: Exposure to freeze-thaw cycles and chemical deicers can cause the surface layer of concrete to flake away, leading to spalling and scaling.

Settling and Sinking: Poor soil conditions or improper compaction can lead to settling or sinking of concrete slabs, creating uneven surfaces and potential tripping hazards.

Benefits of Commercial Concrete Repair

Repairing concrete isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about preemptively guarding your investment against future issues. Here are some of the top benefits of good concrete care:

Enhanced Safety and Reduced Liability: Neglecting damaged concrete can be a major safety hazard. Proactive repair mitigates risk and protects you from liability concerns.

Improved Aesthetics and Curb Appeal: First impressions count, and the exterior of your commercial property sets the tone for potential clients or renters.

Extended Lifespan of the Structure: Routine maintenance prolongs the lifespan of your concrete constructions, ensuring they continue to support your business operations for years to come.

Types of Commercial Concrete Repair

There are several proven methods available to effectively address diverse concrete damages. These methods include patching, resurfacing, and crack repair. Patching involves filling in small holes and superficial cracks, while resurfacing is a more extensive process that involves applying a new layer of concrete to restore the surface. In cases of larger cracks or structural damage, crack repair techniques such as epoxy injection or carbon fiber reinforcement can be employed to strengthen and restore the integrity of the concrete. By utilizing these various methods, concrete damages can be addressed comprehensively, ensuring the longevity and durability of the structure.

Crack Repair and Sealing: Specialized sealants and resins can mend cracks, forestalling water ingress and further deterioration.

Concrete Resurfacing and Overlays: This approach involves applying a new layer over existing concrete to revitalize its appearance and function.

Slab Lifting and Leveling: Techniques like slab jacking or mud jacking can correct sinking or settling slabs without the need for complete replacement.

Choosing the Right Concrete Repair Company

Ensuring professional and durable concrete repair depends on whom you entrust with the job. Consider these factors:

Experience and Expertise: Look for companies with a proven track record in commercial concrete repair, indicating their capability to handle a range of issues.

Quality of Materials and Techniques: High-quality materials and modern repair techniques are vital for effective and long-lasting repairs.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Previous customer experiences can provide insight into a company’s reliability and quality of service.

Final Thoughts

Ignoring the integrity of your commercial concrete can have dire financial and safety consequences. Maintaining a proactive repair and maintenance plan is a smart business practice that preserves the value and appearance of your property. If you’re noticing signs of wear or damage, the time to act is now. Consult with a reputable commercial concrete repair company to analyze your needs and get ahead of potential problems.

Has your property’s concrete seen better days? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for licensed, bonded, and insured commercial concrete repair and crack filling services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also specialize in winter cold patching and pothole repair.

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Unlocking the Durability and Versatility of Commercial Concrete

When it comes to choosing commercial paving, many property owners and construction professionals are tipping their scales toward concrete paving. Concrete pavements have long been lauded for their durability and versatility, making them a go-to material for numerous commercial applications. From vast parking lots to intricate sidewalk designs, commercial concrete provides an unmatched combination of strength, longevity, and adaptability.

This blog post dives into the world of commercial concrete, exploring its inherent qualities and the reasons behind its widespread use in contemporary construction scenarios.

Call 317-549-1833 to Speak With a Licensed Commercial Concrete Contractor in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 to Speak With a Licensed Commercial Concrete Contractor in Indianapolis Indiana

The Durability of Commercial Concrete

One of the primary reasons for concrete’s popularity in commercial paving is its unmatched durability. Unlike other materials like asphalt, which can easily deteriorate under heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions, concrete pavements are built to last. They boast an expected lifespan of thirty to fifty years, making it a sound investment for any commercial property owner. This longevity is primarily attributed to concrete’s sturdy and rigid composition, able to withstand high volumes of traffic and heavy loads without showing significant wear or tear.

Common Concrete Applications for Commercial Properties

As a property owner or manager, ensuring safety and functionality in your commercial space is key. That’s where commercial concrete comes into play. From parking spots and sidewalks to curbs and driveways, this versatile material provides a multitude of applications for your property. And let’s not forget about bollards and ADA ramps, essential components for keeping your space accessible and secure. Whether it’s providing a smooth ride for vehicles or a safe path for pedestrians, commercial concrete is a reliable solution for any property in need of practical and durable infrastructure.

Top 3 Benefits of Commercial Concrete Pavement

❶ Versatility in Design

Another notable characteristic of concrete pavement is its flexibility when it comes to design. Concrete pavements are highly adaptable, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. They can be poured into any shape or size, allowing for intricate patterns and unique designs to be incorporated into the pavement. This versatility not only adds an aesthetic appeal but also enables commercial property owners to tailor their paving according to specific needs and requirements.

❷ Lower Maintenance Costs

Concrete’s durability and versatility translate to significant cost savings in terms of maintenance. Unlike other materials that may require frequent repairs or replacements, concrete pavements are known for their low-maintenance nature. They do not require resurfacing or resealing, and any cracks that may develop over time can be easily repaired without having to replace the entire pavement.

❸ Environmental Benefits

In addition to its practical benefits, commercial concrete work also has several environmentally friendly features. For one, it is a recyclable material, meaning old concrete can be crushed and reused for new projects, making it a sustainable choice. Additionally, concrete pavements have excellent reflective properties that reduce the urban heat island effect. This results in lower energy consumption and carbon emissions, making it an Eco-friendlier option compared to other paving materials.


Commercial concrete offers durability, versatility, low maintenance costs, and environmental benefits, making it a top choice for commercial paving. Its ability to withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions, plus its adaptability in design make it an ideal material for a wide range of applications. Lastly, don’t forget to properly maintain your concrete pavements to ensure their longevity and continued aesthetic appeal.

It’s no surprise that concrete pavements are a “Go-To” choice for many construction professionals and property owners when it comes to commercial paving. So, the next time you’re considering a pavement for your commercial property, remember to unlock the durability and versatility of commercial concrete. 

So why wait? Get in touch with a reputable contractor today and start unlocking the many benefits of commercial concrete for your next project!  Contact ACI Asphalt & Concrete at 317-549-1833 to speak with a licensed and insured commercial concrete paving contractor in Indianapolis, today. With our help, you can make sure that your business lot is well taken care of and looks its best for years to come.

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Smoothing the Surface: A Guide to Repairing Commercial Pavement

Commercial pavements, the veins of our urban infrastructure, constantly endure the stress of heavy traffic, extreme weather conditions, and the natural wear-and-tear of time. Over the years, this relentless battering often leads to visible damage, undermining not only the aesthetics but also the safety and functionality of these crucial pathways.

This guide will illuminate the often complex world of asphalt and concrete repair, providing practical advice and insights to help you navigate the process of restoring your commercial pavement to its former glory. Whether you’re dealing with minor cracks or major potholes, we aim to help streamline your pavement repair project, ensuring a smoother, safer, and more aesthetic surface for all to use.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Services in Indianapolis
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Services in Indianapolis

The Importance of Maintaining Commercial Pavements

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of pavement repair, let’s first understand why it’s crucial to maintain these surfaces. The most obvious reason is safety. A damaged or uneven pavement poses a significant risk to pedestrians and vehicles alike, increasing the chances of accidents and injuries. Moreover, repairing pavements in their early stages of damage is not only more cost-effective but also prevents further deterioration that may require costly and extensive repairs in the future. Additionally, well-maintained commercial pavements enhance the overall appearance of your property, making a positive first impression on visitors and potential customers.

Understanding Asphalt Repair

Asphalt is one of the most commonly used materials for commercial pavement due to its durability and flexibility. However, it is not immune to damage. Cracks are the most common issue with asphalt, caused by exposure to extreme temperatures and heavy loads. In their early stages, these cracks may seem minor and easy to ignore. But if left unattended, they can expand and lead to more significant problems like potholes or even complete pavement failure. Therefore, it’s essential to address these cracks promptly and efficiently through a process called crack filling. This involves cleaning the affected area, heating and applying a specialized filler, and sealing it to prevent further water damage. For more severe damage like potholes, patching or resurfacing may be necessary.

The Process of Concrete Repair

Concrete is another popular material for commercial pavements due to its strength and longevity. However, it can also develop cracks and other forms of damage over time. Unlike asphalt, concrete repair requires a different approach. For smaller cracks, a concrete patching compound is often sufficient. Larger cracks or areas with extensive damage may require a full-depth repair, involving removing the damaged section and replacing it with new concrete. In some cases, an overlay can be applied on top of the existing concrete to restore its appearance and functionality.

Choosing the Right Contractor for Your Pavement Repair

While minor repairs may be possible to handle yourself, it’s always recommended to hire a professional contractor for any significant damage or extensive repair work. But with so many contractors out there, how do you choose the right one for your project? Here are a few things to consider when selecting a contractor:

☑ Experience and expertise in commercial pavement repair
☑ Proper licensing and insurance
☑ Positive reviews and references from previous clients
☑ Positive reviews and references from previous clients
☑ Use of quality materials and equipment
☑ Detailed project plan and timeline

By carefully considering these factors, you can ensure that your pavement repair project is in capable hands, leading to a successful outcome.


Commercial pavements are vital for the smooth functioning of our cities and businesses. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential to ensure their longevity, safety, and aesthetics. By understanding the repair process for asphalt and concrete pavements, as well as choosing a reputable contractor, you can be on your way to restoring your pavement’s surface to its former glory.

Don’t wait for the damage to become worse, take action now and keep your commercial pavements in top condition.  Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for professional road construction and paving services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer asphalt and concrete work, including sealcoating services and pothole repair.

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Essential Pavement Repair Tips for Commercial Property Owners

Commercial property owners know that the condition of their pavement is a reflection of their business. Keeping your parking lot and other paved areas in good condition sends a message to customers and employees alike that you take pride in your business. But with all the different types of pavement repair out there, it can be difficult to know where to start.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide on essential pavement repair tips for commercial property owners. We’ll cover everything from asphalt sealcoating to pothole repairs so you can make sure your parking lot stays looking great year-round! Continue reading to learn more about how you can keep your property looking its best!

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Service in Indianapolis IN
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Service in Indianapolis IN

Top Causes of Pavement Damages

Pavement damage is a common issue that affects the safety and accessibility of roads and parking lots. There are several top causes of pavement damage, including potholes, faded paint, pavement cracks, and poor drainage. Potholes are formed due to extensive wear and tear, which can be caused by vehicles, weather conditions, and poor maintenance. Faded paint can lead to confusion and accidents, especially at night or during inclement weather.

Pavement cracks can result from weather changes, improper installation, or inadequate maintenance. Lastly, poor drainage can cause water stagnation, leading to pavement deterioration. To avoid these issues, it’s crucial to perform regular pavement maintenance and repairs to ensure safe and accessible transportation.

Pavement Repair Tips For Commercial Properties


First and foremost, asphalt sealcoating is an essential part of any commercial property owner’s pavement repair maintenance plan. Sealcoat protects your asphalt from UV rays, water damage, oil spills, and more. It also improves the appearance of your pavement by giving it a smooth finish. Sealcoat should be applied every two to three years to keep your asphalt looking great and lasting for years to come.

Pothole Repair

Another important aspect of pavement repair is pothole repairs. Potholes form when water seeps under the surface and causes the asphalt to crack or break apart. The best way to fix potholes is to fill them in with cold mix asphalt patching material. This material can easily be found at most hardware stores and is applied with a trowel. If you have larger potholes that require more extensive repairs, it’s best to contact a professional paving contractor.

Line Striping and Pavement Markings

Finally, line striping and pavement markings are essential parts of ensuring the safety of your pavement for both pedestrians and drivers alike. Line striping helps define parking spaces, driveways, and walking areas so that everyone knows where they should be going. It also helps make your property look neat and organized. It’s important to apply new line striping every two to three years or when the existing lines become faded or worn out.

Pavement markings, including parking spots, handicap stalls, surface guides, pedestrian crossings, and no-parking zones are important to maintain. Fortunately, there are new innovative technologies available for road marking systems, such as retro reflectivity, that lasts longer and costs less to apply. Thermoplastic pavement markings are a specially formulated type of polymer that turns into liquid form when exposed to high levels of heat.

In Summary

Keeping your asphalt in good condition doesn’t have to be a hassle. With the right maintenance plan, your parking lot and other paved areas will stay looking great for years to come. Remember, always consult a professional if you need more extensive repairs or advice!

Are you ready to move forward with your seasonal commercial pavement maintenance needs? ACI Asphalt & Concrete is the one for you! Contact us today at 317-549-1833 and discover our top-notch commercial pavement repair services in Indianapolis, as well as book a detailed consultation. Get your business’s pavement looking perfect with just one call!

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The Benefits of Regularly Scheduled Commercial Concrete Repairs

Regularly scheduled commercial concrete repairs are essential for the longevity of any business. From parking lots to sidewalks, driveways, and other areas around your property, these repairs can help keep your concrete in top condition so that you don’t have to worry about costly replacements or extensive damage down the road. Not only do these repairs protect your investments from wear and tear but they also enhance the overall look of your commercial space.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the benefits of regularly scheduled commercial concrete repair and restoration services. 

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Concrete Service in Indianapolis Indiana

Identifying Major Concrete Damages

Concrete is a crucial construction material used in almost every building project. It is strong, versatile, and durable, but unfortunately, even the toughest of materials succumb to wear and tear over time. Overtime, there are common concrete damages that become noticeable, such as cracking, spalling, and staining. Cracks in the concrete can range from small hairline fractures to larger ones that affect the structural integrity of the building.

Spalling is the chipping or flaking of the concrete surface and is typically the result of moisture and freeze-thaw cycles. Staining occurs when the concrete comes into contact with harsh chemicals, such as oil or rust. Although concrete damages may seem insignificant at first, if neglected, they can lead to costly repairs and even pose safety risks. Therefore, it is important to address common damages as soon as they are noticed to prevent further deterioration.

Why Schedule Routine Repairs for Commercial Concrete?

Increased Pavement Longevity

The first benefit of regular commercial concrete repairs is that they help prolong the lifespan of your investment. By regularly fixing any cracks, chips, and other minor damage, you can help ensure that the integrity of your property remains intact for many years to come. In addition to this, regular maintenance helps to prevent more serious issues from occurring in the future. This means that a small investment now can save you money down the line by avoiding major and costly replacements or restorations.

Higher Safety Standards

Another benefit of regularly scheduled commercial concrete repair services is improved safety. As mentioned earlier, regular repairs and maintenance can help prevent serious damages from occurring which could potentially lead to dangerous situations such as tripping hazards or even structural collapses. Regularly scheduled inspections allow you to identify any potential risks before they become a problem.

Enhance Aesthetic Value

Finally, regularly scheduled commercial concrete repair services can also significantly enhance the look of your business. From parking lot repairs to new pavement and sealants, these services can make sure that your property looks great for customers and clients alike. This is especially true when it comes to maintaining a safe and attractive parking lot or driveway. Not only will this help keep people safe but it also helps create an overall more professional appearance which can be beneficial in many ways.


Overall, there are numerous benefits of regularly scheduled commercial concrete repairs that businesses should take into consideration. From prolonging the life of your investment to increased safety and improved aesthetics, these services offer numerous advantages that are difficult to ignore. If you’re in need of a commercial paving service or parking lot repair, be sure to find a professional Indianapolis concrete paving company for optimized results.

Are you ready to get your commercial pavements in order for the upcoming seasons? Contact the commercial paving contractors at ACI Asphalt and Concrete by dialing 317-549-1833, today. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about how to maintain high-quality commercial concrete and asphalt pavements.

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What You Need to Know Before Making Major Pavement Repairs this Spring

What You Need to Know Before Making Major Pavement Repairs this Spring

As the winter weather subsides, pavement maintenance becomes a top priority for commercial pavement owners. Potholes, cracks, and other pavement damage can be caused by water seeping beneath the pavement surface during cold months. To ensure that your pavement remains safe and functional this spring, it’s important to understand what kind of repairs you may need and how to go about making them.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of pavement repair so you can make informed decisions about major repairs this season. We’ll cover topics such as pothole repair, crack sealing and commercial paving services so you can get your parking lot or driveway up-to-date before summer arrives. Read on for more details!

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Maintenance in Indianapolis
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Pavement Maintenance in Indianapolis

Springtime Pavement Maintenance Tips

Pothole Repair and Patching

When it comes to pavement repair, pothole repair is one of the most common types of maintenance. Potholes form when pavement surfaces become weakened due to water seepage and traffic wear and tear. To fill a pothole, special machinery is used to remove the damaged pavement material and then replace it with fresh pavement mix. This type of pavement repair should be done by a professional paving contractor for optimal results.

Crack Sealing Services

Crack sealing is another important pavement repair service that should be conducted each spring. Cracks can lead to further pavement damage if left unchecked, so it’s important to seal them as soon as possible. Crack sealing involves filling in any cracks or gaps with a special rubberized material that can withstand weathering, water, and traffic. This will help to prevent further pavement damage and ensure a smoother pavement surface.

Extensive Pavement Repair

Finally, if your pavement is in need of more extensive repairs, you may want to consider commercial paving services. A professional pavement contractor can inspect the pavement and make recommendations for repair or replacement. This is especially important for larger parking lots or driveways that have experienced considerable damage due to wear and tear or extreme weather conditions.

Why Pavement Repair is a Good Investment For Any Property

Making major pavement repairs this spring can help improve safety, reduce liability risks and extend the life of your pavement. By taking the time to understand what kind of repairs you may need and how to go about making them, you can ensure that your pavement remains in good condition throughout the summer months. If you’re unsure how to proceed with pavement repair, be sure to contact a professional pavement contractor for more information. With the right pavement maintenance services, you can keep your pavement looking great and functioning well!

How to Find a Good Commercial Pavement Company

It is important to find a commercial pavement company you can trust when you need commercial paving or commercial pavement repair. The most reliable source for finding a quality commercial paving and repair contractor is online reviews from other customers. There, you’ll get an honest idea of the quality of the service, as well as how cost-effective each company is with their services. Furthermore, research any commercial pavement companies in your area in order to determine if they have proper licensing and certifications to conduct commercial work safely and professionally. Finally, choose a commercial pavement company that has competitive pricing and reasonable warranty requirements so that should you require repair work again in the future, it won’t break the bank. With these tips in mind, your commercial paving or commercial pavement repair project will be completed with care and at a fair cost.

If you’re looking for a commercial pavement repair company you can trust, look no further than ACI Asphalt & Concrete. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial paving services in Indianapolis, or to schedule a free consultation.

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