Maximizing Asphalt Lifespan: Essential Tips for Every Property Owner

Owning a home or managing a property is no small feat. Among the many responsibilities, understanding the lifespan of your asphalt surfaces is crucial. Whether it’s a driveway, parking lot, or athletic court, knowing how long your asphalt will last can save you time, money, and headaches. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the average lifespan of asphalt, and how to make the most out of this essential material.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Asphalt Paving in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Asphalt Paving in Indianapolis Indiana

Why Knowing Asphalt Lifespan Matters

Understanding the lifespan of asphalt pavement is vital for several reasons. First, it helps you plan for future expenses. Asphalt paving isn’t cheap, and knowing when it might need replacement can help you budget accordingly. Second, it ensures safety. Cracked or damaged asphalt can be a hazard for both vehicles and pedestrians. Finally, it helps in maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your paved property, whether residential or commercial.

Factors That Influence the Average Longevity of Asphalt

Climate Effects on Asphalt

Climate plays a significant role in the longevity of asphalt. In colder climates, the freeze-thaw cycles can cause cracks and potholes, while in hotter climates, the sun can cause the asphalt to become brittle. Both scenarios can reduce the lifespan of your asphalt surfaces.

Usage and Traffic Load

The amount of traffic and the weight of the vehicles using the asphalt surface can significantly impact its lifespan. Residential driveways usually last longer than commercial parking lots or public roads due to less frequent and lighter traffic.

Maintenance Practices

How well you maintain your asphalt pavements can make a big difference in its longevity. Regular inspections, prompt repairs, and proper cleaning can extend the life of your asphalt surfaces significantly. Neglecting these maintenance practices can lead to early deterioration.

Average Lifespan in Different Settings

Different settings have different requirements and conditions that affect the life cycle of asphalt. Let’s break it down:

Residential Driveways

Residential asphalt driveways generally have a longer lifespan compared to other asphalt surfaces. On average, a well-maintained driveway can last between 15 to 20 years. However, factors like climate and usage can either shorten or extend this lifespan.

Commercial Parking Lots

Commercial parking lots endure heavy traffic and often have to support large vehicles. Because of this, their average lifespan tends to be shorter, typically ranging from 10 to 15 years. Regular parking lot maintenance can help in extending this lifespan.

Athletic Courts

Athletic courts that are paved with asphalt, such as tennis courts or basketball courts, experience less vehicular traffic but are subject to wear and tear from sports-related activities. These surfaces can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years, depending on the quality of installation and maintenance practices.

Public Roads

Public roads are exposed to the harshest conditions, including heavy traffic, climatic variations, and sometimes subpar maintenance. The average lifespan of public roads ranges from 7 to 10 years, but this can vary widely based on geographic location and traffic volume.

Best Practices for Maintaining Asphalt

Proper maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your asphalt surfaces. Here are some best practices:

Regular Inspections

Conducting regular asphalt inspections can help you identify small issues before they become big problems. Look for cracks, potholes, and any signs of water pooling. Early detection can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Timely Repairs

Don’t delay repairs. Small cracks can quickly turn into large potholes if left untreated. Use quality asphalt repair products and consider hiring professional asphalt services for significant repairs to ensure the job is done correctly.

Cleaning and Sealing

Regular cleaning removes debris and prevents the buildup of harmful substances like oil and gasoline, which can deteriorate the asphalt. Sealing your asphalt every few years can also add an extra layer of protection against the elements.

The Environmental Impact of Asphalt

While asphalt is a durable and cost-effective material, it does have environmental drawbacks. The production and installation of asphalt contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are sustainable alternatives and practices that can mitigate these impacts.

Sustainable Pavement Options

Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) is an Eco-friendly option that uses recycled materials to create new asphalt. This not only reduces waste but also lowers the overall carbon footprint of your project. Permeable asphalt is another sustainable option that allows water to pass through, reducing runoff and replenishing groundwater.

Eco-Friendly Practices

Opt for environmentally friendly practices such as using low-emission equipment and choosing suppliers that prioritize sustainability. These small steps can make a big difference in reducing the environmental impact of your asphalt surfaces.


Understanding the average lifespan of asphalt and the factors that influence it can help you make informed decisions about your property. From residential driveways to commercial parking lots, proper maintenance and timely repairs are key to maximizing the lifespan of your asphalt surfaces.

Consider sustainable options to reduce your environmental impact and consult professionals for the best results. By applying these insights, you’ll ensure that your asphalt surfaces remain safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing for years to come.

If you’re ready to take the next step in asphalt maintenance, consider reaching out to our team of experts. Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for licensed, bonded, and insured commercial asphalt repair and service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can provide personalized advice and services tailored to your specific commercial paving needs. Get in touch today and ensure your property is in the best possible shape.

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Sealing the Deal: The Importance of Commercial Pavement Sealing

In the realm of commercial properties, first impressions can significantly influence the perception of prospective clients. One feature that often goes unnoticed yet contributes substantially to that initial impression is the quality of the pavement. Whether it’s a parking lot, a walkway, or access roads, well-maintained pavement can accentuate the overall aesthetic appeal of a commercial space. The secret to achieving this lies in a process known as sealcoating or pavement sealing.

Over the course of this blog post, we will delve into the importance of pavement sealing, the role of a commercial paving company in this process, and how sealcoating can be the key to enhancing the longevity and visual appeal of your property’s pavement.

Call 317-549-1833 For Pavement Sealing in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Pavement Sealing in Indianapolis Indiana

What is Pavement Sealing?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of sealcoating, let’s first understand what pavement sealing is. In simple terms, pavement sealing refers to the process of applying a protective coating on top of asphalt or concrete pavement. This coating acts as a barrier against harmful elements such as water, UV rays, and chemicals that can degrade the integrity of the pavement over time. By sealing the pavement, you can prevent premature cracking, fading, and other forms of damage that can affect not only the appearance but also the functionality of your pavement.

The Importance of Pavement Sealing

Now that we know what pavement sealing is let’s delve into why it is essential for commercial properties. First and foremost, pavement sealing can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your property. A well-maintained and smooth pavement can make a significant difference in creating a positive first impression for clients and visitors. It shows that you take pride in your business and are willing to invest in maintaining its appearance.

Secondly, sealcoating can extend the lifespan of your pavement by up to 30%. This is because the protective coating acts as a shield against elements that can lead to cracking, potholes, and other forms of damage. By investing in pavement sealing, you are also saving money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs and replacements.

Moreover, sealcoating can also improve safety on your property. A smooth and well-maintained pavement reduces the risk of accidents and injuries for both pedestrians and vehicles. This can be crucial for businesses that have a high volume of foot traffic or frequent deliveries.

The Role of a Commercial Paving Company

While the process of pavement sealing may seem simple, it is best left to professionals. A commercial paving company has the expertise, equipment, and materials necessary to ensure a thorough and high-quality sealcoating job. They will first assess the condition of your pavement and determine the best type of sealant to use based on factors such as traffic volume, climate, and age of the pavement.

Additionally, a reputable commercial paving company will also ensure that all necessary preparations are done before applying the sealcoat. This includes cleaning and repairing any cracks or potholes on the pavement to ensure a smooth and even surface. They will also apply the sealant using the appropriate techniques to guarantee long-lasting results.


In conclusion, pavement sealing is a crucial step in maintaining the appearance, functionality, and safety of your commercial property’s pavement. From enhancing curb appeal to extending its lifespan, sealcoating offers numerous benefits that make it a worthwhile investment for any business. However, for the best results, it is essential to hire a reputable commercial paving company that can provide expert sealcoating services. With their help, you can seal the deal with your clients and make a lasting impression.  So don’t overlook this important aspect of property maintenance and consider sealcoating as a vital part of your overall pavement management plan.

Are you looking for professional paving services for your commercial asphalt pavements? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial asphalt repair and sealcoating services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout the state.

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Key Considerations When Opting for Commercial Asphalt Paving

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Commercial Asphalt Paving. When it comes to business premises, first impressions are crucial, and that includes the quality of your parking lots and driveways. Asphalt paving provides an affordable, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solution for commercial properties. But before you embark on this project, there are several key considerations you need to factor in.

In this blog, we’ll explore how to choose the right asphalt sealcoat, when to consider a commercial pavement project, and the benefits of asphalt paving. Strap in as we lead you on the road to making informed asphalt decisions for your commercial space.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Asphalt Pavement Services in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Asphalt Pavement Services in Indianapolis Indiana

Choosing the Right Asphalt Sealcoat

Sealcoating is a protective layer applied to asphalt surfaces to protect them from harsh weather and traffic conditions. The sealcoat acts as a barrier, preventing water seepage that leads to cracks and potholes. When it comes to commercial properties, choosing the right sealcoat is crucial because you need durable protection for high-traffic areas. Some key factors to consider when selecting an asphalt sealer include:

Water Resistance: Make sure the sealcoat is water-resistant, as water can seep into cracks and cause damage.

UV Protection: The sun’s harmful rays can fade and weaken your pavement over time, so choose a sealcoat with UV protection.

Traffic Conditions: If your parking lot or driveway experiences heavy traffic, opt for a sealcoat with higher durability and wear resistance.

When to Consider a Commercial Pavement Project

While regular pavement maintenance can extend the life of your asphalt pavement, there comes a time when repairs just won’t cut it anymore. Here are some signs that indicate it’s time for a commercial pavement project:

Extensive Damage: If your pavement has numerous potholes, cracks, and other visible damage, it may be more cost-effective to repave instead of continually repairing.

Drainage Issues: Poor drainage can lead to standing water on your pavement, causing further damage. If this is a recurring problem even after repairs, it may be time for a commercial pavement project.

Aesthetics: First impressions matter, and if your parking lot or driveway looks worn down and uninviting, it’s time for a fresh asphalt pavement.

Benefits of Asphalt Paving for Commercial Properties

Asphalt is the most popular choice for commercial properties due to its many benefits. These include:

Cost-Effective: Compared to other paving materials like concrete, asphalt is more affordable initially and in terms of maintenance costs.

Durability: When installed correctly and maintained, asphalt can last up to 20 years or more, making it an excellent long-term investment for commercial properties.

Aesthetics: With a smooth, dark finish, asphalt provides a clean and professional look to any commercial space.

Quick Installation: Compared to other paving materials that require curing time, asphalt can be used almost immediately after installation, minimizing downtime for businesses.

Asphalt Versus Concrete

Which is better for commercial paving: asphalt or concrete? While both materials have their pros and cons, here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

Cost: As mentioned earlier, asphalt is more cost-effective initially and in terms of maintenance costs.

Durability: Asphalt has more flexibility and can withstand harsh weather conditions better than concrete, which tends to crack under extreme temperatures.

Aesthetics: Concrete offers a cleaner and more uniform look, while asphalt has a smoother finish. This is a personal preference that can also be influenced by the type of business and its brand image.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, when opting for commercial asphalt paving, it’s essential to consider the quality of your sealcoat, signs that indicate a pavement project is necessary, and the benefits of choosing asphalt as your paving material. With this knowledge in hand, you can ensure a long-lasting and visually appealing parking lot or driveway for your commercial property.

If you’re looking for professional commercial pavement services, then get in touch with us today! Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 to learn more about commercial asphalt paving in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients throughout the state.

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10 Summer Asphalt Care Tips for Home and Business Owners

As summer temperatures soar, it’s important to keep your asphalt surfaces in top condition. Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, proper asphalt care will help extend the life of your pavement and prevent costly repairs down the road. Continue below to learn 10 easy tips for keeping your asphalt looking great all season long.

Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Asphalt Paving in Indianapolis IN
Call 317-549-1833 For Commercial Asphalt Paving in Indianapolis IN

The Effects of Summer Weather on Asphalt Pavements

During the summer months, hot weather can be detrimental to the condition of asphalt pavements. As the temperature rises, the asphalt can soften and lead to deformation or damage from heavy vehicles. Additionally, prolonged exposure to heat and sunlight can cause the coloring of the asphalt to fade, resulting in a dull appearance. The combination of heat, moisture, and traffic can also cause cracks in the pavement. To mitigate the effects of hot weather on asphalt pavements, it’s essential to keep up with regular maintenance and repairs to ensure their longevity and safety for drivers and pedestrians. Professional contractors can also apply protective coatings to the surface to help prevent damage from UV rays and excessive heat.

How to Take Care of Asphalt Pavement in the Summer

1. Clean Up Spills Quickly: Make sure to clean up any spills or debris that falls onto your asphalt surface as soon as possible in order to prevent staining and other damage.

2. Regular Sealing: Sealcoating is an important part of keeping your pavement looking great and preventing damage from the elements like sunlight, water, and chemicals. Make sure to reseal your asphalt every three years or so for maximum protection.

3. Repair Cracks Promptly: Cracks can form in asphalt due to regular wear and tear or extreme temperature changes, so it’s important to repair them as soon as you notice them. Filling the cracks with a sealant will help protect against further damage from water seeping into the pavement.

4. Watch for Signs of Damage: Keep an eye out for potholes, sunken/heaving pavement, overgrown vegetation, cracking, fading line striping, or other signs of distress and have any issues repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

5. Check Drainage: Make sure that water is draining away from your asphalt surface properly by checking the slope of the ground around it.

6. Avoid Parking in the Same Spot: Don’t park in the same spot on a regular basis, as this can lead to tire impressions that are difficult to remove without professional help.

7. Be Mindful of Heavy Equipment: Heavy vehicles and construction equipment can cause significant damage to asphalt surfaces, so make sure they stay off unless absolutely necessary.

8. Sweep Regularly: Regularly sweeping your asphalt surface can help keep it free of debris and prevent staining.

9. Keep an Eye on the Weather: Extreme temperature changes can cause cracks to form in asphalt, so be sure to check the forecast and take extra precautions if temperatures are set to drop or rise quickly.

10. Hire a Professional: If all else fails, don’t hesitate to call a professional pavement repair company for assistance with repairs or maintenance. An experienced asphalt paving contractor will be able to assess any damage and offer advice on how best to maintain your pavement going forward.

The 101 on Asphalt Maintenance and Care

Asphalt maintenance is essential for keeping your pavement looking great and preventing costly repairs. By following these 10 summer asphalt care tips, you can ensure that your home or business will have a smooth, safe surface all season long. From cleaning up spills quickly to hiring professionals for assistance with maintenance and repair needs, it’s important to take the necessary steps now in order to keep your asphalt surfaces looking their best year-round. With proper care and attention, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of beautiful asphalt paving for years to come!

Are you looking for commercial paving services for your damaged asphalt pavements this summer? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial asphalt repair and sealcoating services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout the state.

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The Benefits of Asphalt Seal Coating For Your Property

Are you looking for ways to extend the life of your asphalt pavement? If so, seal coating  is one of the best methods you can use. Sealcoating  your asphalt surface will protect it from UV rays and other elements that can cause damage over time. It also helps maintain a clean, attractive appearance for your property. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of sealcoating  and why it’s important to properly care for asphalt surfaces on your property.

Call 317-549-1833 For Asphalt Seal Coating in Indianapolis.
Call 317-549-1833 For Asphalt Seal Coating in Indianapolis.

Why You Should Choose Asphalt Sealcoating

Seal coating  is a type of asphalt maintenance that helps seal and protect the surface from water, oil, and other contaminants. This can help reduce cracking, oxidation, and fading by providing an additional layer of protection to your asphalt surfaces. Sealcoating  also adds a darker color to your pavement which improves its overall aesthetic look while providing an extra level of protection against the elements.

By sealing your asphalt surfaces, you’re helping to maintain its structural integrity and ensuring that it lasts for many years to come. seal coating  can also help reduce long-term repair costs, since sealant helps seal in existing cracks and seal out new ones from developing over time. It’s important to sealcoat every few years in order to maintain the effectiveness of this asphalt maintenance.

In addition to sealcoating , proper asphalt care is essential for long-term performance. This includes cleaning and sealing any cracks or holes that may be present, as well as annual sealcoating . Annual sealcoating helps reduce the effects of aging and ensures that the asphalt sealer continues to protect your pavement.

Sealcoating is Essential Part of Asphalt Maintenance

Overall, sealcoating  is an important part of asphalt maintenance and is necessary for ensuring that your asphalt surfaces are properly cared for. Sealing helps lock in existing cracks, seal out new ones from developing over time, and improve the overall look and feel of your property. It’s important to sealcoat every few years in order to maintain the effectiveness of seal coating  and ensure that your asphalt surfaces are properly cared for.

Are you ready to have your commercial asphalt pavements professionally sealcoated? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial asphalt paving and seal coating  services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout the state.

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Commercial Asphalt Repair: How To Choose The Right Company

Commercial asphalt repair can be a big job, but it’s worth it to get the benefits that come with a well-maintained parking lot or driveway. How do you choose the right company for the job, though? Here are some tips.

For Asphalt Contractors  in Indianapolis Indiana, Call 317-549-1833 Today.
For Asphalt Contractors in Indianapolis Indiana, Call 317-549-1833 Today.

How to Choose the Right Company for the Job

When it comes time for a commercial asphalt repair, it’s important to make sure you choose the right company for the job. Not all companies are created equal, and not all have the same level of experience or expertise. Here are a few tips for choosing the right commercial asphalt repair company:

1. Do your research. Don’t just choose the first company that comes up in a Google search. Rather, take the time to research different companies and read reviews from past clients. This will help you get a better idea of what each company is capable of and which one is best suited for your specific needs.

2. Ask around. Talk to your business colleagues, friends, and family members to see if they have any recommendations for commercial asphalt repair companies. Chances are, someone you know has had a good or bad experience with a particular company in the past and can steer you in the right direction.

3. Look for experience and expertise. When it comes to repairing asphalt, experience and expertise are key. Make sure the company you choose has years of experience repairing commercial asphalt and knows how to handle the specific needs of your business.

4. Get quotes from multiple companies. Don’t just settle on the first quote you receive. Request quotes from several companies so you can compare pricing and services offered. This will help you find the best deal possible and ensure you’re getting quality service from a reputable company.

By following these tips, you can be sure to choose the right commercial asphalt repair company for your needs.

The Benefits of Commercial Asphalt Repair

Commercial asphalt repair can provide many benefits, such as: restoring the appearance of your property, increasing its value, extending the life of your asphalt surface and more. If you’re in need of commercial asphalt repair services, be sure to contact a reputable company who will get the job done right!

Why Hire a Pro?

There are many advantages of hiring a professional for asphalt repair. First and foremost, a professional will have the necessary experience and expertise to get the job done right. They will also have the proper equipment and supplies to do the job properly, which can save you time and money in the long run. By hiring a professional, you can be sure that the job will be done correctly and on schedule.

Another benefit of hiring a professional for asphalt repair is that they can help you save money. Not only will the job be done correctly, but they may also be able to recommend cost-saving measures such as seal coating or crack sealing, which can extend the lifetime of your asphalt surface and reduce maintenance costs in the long run. Furthermore, having a professional do the job also helps ensure that your asphalt surface will meet local zoning and safety regulations.

Finally, a professional Indianapolis commercial asphalt repair company can provide you with detailed documentation of their work which can be used for insurance claims or other necessary paperwork in order to protect your investment. This can give you peace of mind knowing that your asphalt surface is properly taken care of and will last for years to come.

Overall, hiring a professional asphalt repair company can be a great investment that pays off in the long run. Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for Indianapolis asphalt paving and sealcoating services at the most competitive rates in the central parts of the state. We serve commercial, industrial, and municipal clients.

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The Top Reasons Why Asphalt Sealcoating is So Valuable

Asphalt sealcoating is an important process for protecting and prolonging the life of your asphalt pavements. Asphalt sealants provide a barrier against weather damage, UV rays, and oil and gas spills that can degrade the surface of your parking lot or pavement. Routine seal coating will keep your pavements looking fresh and new, and even prevent costly repairs down the line. For all these reasons and many more, asphalt sealcoating is a wise and valuable investment for your commercial property.

Continue below to learn the top 5 reasons why asphalt sealcoating is so valuable, plus which commercial pavement company to choose for dependable asphalt and concrete work in the city of Indianapolis.

Speak with an Asphalt Sealcoating Contractor Indianapolis by calling 317-549-1833 now!
Speak with an Asphalt Sealcoating Contractor Indianapolis by Calling 317-549-1833 Now!

The Benefits of Asphalt Sealcoating

Asphalt sealcoating is an important process for protecting and prolonging the life of your asphalt pavements. Sealcoating provides a barrier against weather damage, UV rays, and oil and gas spills that can degrade the surface of your driveway. Routine sealcoating will keep your asphalt-paved surfaces looking fresh and new and prevent costly repairs down the line.

Here are the top 5 reasons why asphalt sealcoating is so valuable:

1. Protects against weather damage. Asphalt is susceptible to damage from the sun, rain, and snow. Sealcoating provides a protective layer that helps to prevent this damage and keep your pavements looking new.

2. Prevents UV damage. UV rays can cause fading and cracking in asphalt pavements. Sealcoating helps to block these harmful rays and keep your paved lots and walkways looking fresh and new.

3. Resists oil and gas spills. Spills from cars can seep into the pores of asphalt and cause damage. Sealcoating helps to create a barrier that resists these spills and protects your asphalt pavement.

4. Prolongs the life of your pavement. Asphalt pavements can last for many years with proper care. Sealcoating helps to extend the life of your pavement by protecting it from weather damage and oil and gas spills.

5. Keeps your pavements looking fresh and new. A well-maintained asphalt lot or sidewalk will enhance the curb appeal of your property. Sealcoating helps to keep your pavements looking their best.

Are you looking for a qualified commercial paving company in Indianapolis that can sealcoat your pavements? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 to speak with a seasoned contractor about asphalt sealing in Indianapolis, Indiana, today. We specialize in both asphalt and concrete work for commercial and industrial clients.

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Why Asphalt Repairs are So Necessary

When your commercial pavements are in dire need of multiple asphalt repairs, it is important to make them a priority. This is especially true for newly-laid asphalt pavements and surfaces. External conditions, like inclement weather, water, high temperatures, extreme cold, chemicals, and natural wear and tear, will all take a toll on your asphalt pavements. And the more repairs they are in need of, the more vulnerable the pavement is, which can cost you a lot of money in the long run.

Continue reading to learn why asphalt repairs are so necessary to perform for your commercial lot, plus who to trust in Central Indiana for superior commercial paving and road work.

Commercial Asphalt Repair Indianapolis Indiana 317-549-1833
Commercial Asphalt Repair Indianapolis Indiana 317-549-1833

The Importance of Asphalt Repair

Why is it so important to repair asphalt? Ultimately, your bottom line depends on it. And although there are several other reasons, they too seem to all involve your business’s overall profits. Not only is it important to stay current on all asphalt repairs for optimal curb appeal, which does impact your property’s resale and investment value, but it is also important for the sake of your potential and current clientele.

Curb appeal plays a large part in attracting new customers, as well as retaining existing ones. Maintaining a clean and well behaved asphalt lot speaks to your businesses. Overall character and culture, which can be comforting to your market. Furthermore, vehicular traffic is less impacted in a negative way by asphalt defects and repair needs. Pedestrians and drivers are safer on a properly paved and maintained asphalt lot.

Premises Liability

Another important reason why asphalt repair is quite necessary is liability protection. The law requires property owners to maintain a safe premises that is free of any foreseeable, preventable hazards. This legal requirement is upheld by Premises Liability Law, which can be enforced upon any property owner who is negligent in maintaining a safe and well-preserved premises. In fact, many insurance providers perform an annual, on-site inspection to ensure a parking lot is free of hazards. If the parking lot is not in an acceptable condition, they may not renew the policy until all repairs are made.

Top Asphalt Repairs to Focus On

Unless your asphalt lot requires full-on demolition and re-installment or a less-invasive asphalt overlay, there are certain types of asphalt repairs to put at the top of your parking lot maintenance list. These include crumbling pavement, asphalt cracks, heaving, depressions, fading line striping, faded traffic marking, poor water drainage, crumbling bollards, and potholes. It is also important to seal your asphalt lot every 3 to 5 years with a quality sealcoating product.

Asphalt Sealing

Sealcoating is a vital addition to your pavement maintenance plan, as it provides protection against some of the most damaging outdoor hazards and elements, including freeze thaw cycles, ice, snow, heavy storms, water runoff, oxidation (rust), oil drippings, gasoline, and other chemical spills, and even the harsh UV rays of the sun. Without a proper sealcoat, your pavements are subjected to these inclement conditions all year, which causes premature aging, color fading, surface defects, and much more.

Are you ready to schedule your Spring commercial asphalt repair work in Central Indiana? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for skilled asphalt paving and sealcoating in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients.

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The Best Temperatures For Paving Asphalt

No matter what kind of asphalt paving job is on the docket for the day, all professional pavement contractors know to consider the most important elements of such work, most importantly, temperatures. In addition to the outdoor climate, ground temperatures, ambient temperatures, and mix temp are all critical factors that impact the overall results of an asphalt paving or patching project.

Continue below to learn more about the best temperatures for asphalt pavement work.

Indianapolis Indiana Asphalt Maintenance and Repair 317-549-1833
Indianapolis Indiana Asphalt Maintenance and Repair 317-549-1833

Timing and Temperature Control for Asphalt Paving

Ambient, ground, and mix temperatures must all be well-monitored and managed, but there is more temperature control that comes into play after asphalt is poured. Contractors have to move very quickly to compact the mixture and smooth it all out before it can begin to cool, or cure. If asphalt mix cools to fast, there is no way to ensure full compaction, which leads to several pavement defects and extensive deterioration down the line. This is why proper asphalt installation is so vital.

Asphalt Mixture

The temperature of the asphalt mixture is a critical part of a successful pavement job. The most commonly used material is hot asphalt mix, which arrives on site at extreme temperature levels; usually between 275 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit. In order to lay the asphalt mixture initially, it must cool down to at least 290 degrees Fahrenheit, but as cool as 220 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything lower than 190 degrees Fahrenheit can cause the asphalt mix to cool to quickly, and therefore lead to poor compaction and unstable performance. Variables that impact the thickness and cure time include ground temperature, wind speed, and ambient temperature.

Ambient Temperature

Ambient temperature is the temperature of the air. For any type of pavement installation work, ambient temperatures should be at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and in the best case scenario, climbing as the day progresses. Because wind speed can also impact how quickly asphalt mix cools, which can ultimately lead to a bad paving job, the ambient temperature for asphalt work ideally should be higher than 50 degrees Fahrenheit on exceptionally windy days.

Ground Temperature

The temperature of the ground, both at the surface and below, are important factors to consider before laying asphalt. If the ground is to cold, proper installation may not be possible. If the ground is too hot, the asphalt mixture might not cool fast enough. Generally, the ideal ground temperature for asphalt work should be at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit and climbing. The ground is usually cooler in the morning, so the temperature should rise throughout the day from 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

How are your commercial pavements looking this year? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial asphalt maintenance and repair in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout Central Indiana. Request a bid, today.

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Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company
Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company 317-549-1833

4 Common Asphalt Problems and How to Prevent Them

The Mid-West is known for its weather changes. From winter to spring, and from summer to fall, the evolving seasons tend to bring on a whole list of structural maintenance needs for property owners, including pavement repair. If you are the owner of an asphalt lot, it is important to implement the proper seasonal, routine maintenance services to ensure it remains durable and safe all year long. Right now, between the transition of winter to spring, is the perfect time to inspect your asphalt lot and look for any seasonal damage that may have taken place since your last pavement inspections.

Get started by scrolling down and learning about the 4 most common types of asphalt damages and what you can do to prevent them year to year.

Indiana Commercial Asphalt Paving
Indiana Commercial Asphalt Paving 317-549-1833

Asphalt Problems and Needed Repairs to Watch Out For

Asphalt defects are something to take seriously, and to act on fast. Problems like cracking, heaves, potholes, depressions, raveling, and rutting can all pose safety threats and hazards to both staff and guests, but they can also be the catalyst to more major or extensive asphalt and foundation damage. When such problems are not addressed and corrected on time, they will allow moisture to get below the surfaces and lead to more pavement structure and stability damages.

Most Prevalent Damages Seen in Asphalt Pavements:

► Potholes – Almost all potholes start off as small cracks or holes. Overtime, they degrade further, causing them to grow in size and depth, and therefore, in danger. Freezing and thawing of snow and rain are the most common causes of pothole development, but traffic wear and tear and improper installation can also cause potholes to form.

Cracking – Alligator cracking, interlocked cracking, fissures, edge cracks, block cracks, transverse cracks, moving cracks, and more are all common asphalt damages seen during every season. They are also important to repair and seal to prevent further and future damage.

Raveling – When asphalt is installed in weather that is still too cold, sometimes pieces of asphalt slabs will separate from the surface. This results in a pavement degradation known as raveling. It causes dents and sizable indentations on the surface of asphalt, which can pose several safety threats and water runoff issues.

Rutting – Just like your car tires can make paved ruts in the wet mud, natural wear and tear can cause the same type of surface depressions in asphalt pavements. This is known as rutting, and will usually develop as a result of poor or improper installation, or due to asphalt being laid to thin.

How to Repair and Prevent Asphalt Damages

The most common methods to repair the above-mentioned asphalt damages are overlays and routine sealcoating. As for year-round maintenance and care, be sure to keep your asphalt clean, and properly seal-coated every season. The best asphalt pavements are those that are properly poured and installed by professional pavement contractors. If you want great pavements all year long, be sure you choose a certified pro to install, repair, and protect your asphalt.

Do you need asphalt paving in Indianapolis, Indiana? Contact ACI Asphalt and Concrete at 317-549-1833 for commercial pothole repair and asphalt paving services at the best rates in town.

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Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company
Indianapolis Pavement Repair Company 317-549-1833